Source code for megnet.utils.layer
Tensorflow layer utilities
import numpy as np # noqa
import tensorflow as tf
from megnet.config import DataType
def _repeat(x: tf.Tensor, n: tf.Tensor, axis: int = 1) -> tf.Tensor:
Given an tensor x (N*M*K), repeat the middle axis (axis=1)
according to repetition indicator n (M, )
for example, if M = 3, axis=1, and n = Tensor([3, 1, 2]),
and the final tensor would have the shape (N*6*3) with the
first one in M repeated 3 times,
second 1 time and third 2 times.
x: (3d Tensor) tensor to be augmented
n: (1d Tensor) number of repetition for each row
axis: (int) axis for repetition
(3d Tensor) tensor after repetition
# get maximum repeat length in x
assert len(n.shape) == 1
maxlen = tf.reduce_max(input_tensor=n)
x_shape = tf.shape(input=x)
x_dim = len(x.shape)
# create a range with the length of x
shape = [1] * (x_dim + 1)
shape[axis + 1] = maxlen
# tile it to the maximum repeat length, it should be of shape
# [xlen, maxlen] now
x_tiled = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(x, axis + 1), tf.stack(shape))
new_shape = tf.unstack(x_shape)
new_shape[axis] = -1
new_shape[-1] = x.shape[-1]
x_tiled = tf.reshape(x_tiled, new_shape)
# create a sequence mask using x
# this will create a boolean matrix of shape [xlen, maxlen]
# where result[i,j] is true if j < x[i].
mask = tf.sequence_mask(n, maxlen)
mask = tf.reshape(mask, (-1,))
# mask the elements based on the sequence mask
return tf.boolean_mask(tensor=x_tiled, mask=mask, axis=axis)
[docs]def repeat_with_index(x: tf.Tensor, index: tf.Tensor, axis: int = 1):
Given an tensor x (N*M*K), repeat the middle axis (axis=1)
according to the index tensor index (G, )
for example, if axis=1 and index = Tensor([0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2])
then M = 3 (3 unique values),
and the final tensor would have the shape (N*6*3) with the
first one in M repeated 3 times,
second 1 time and third 2 times.
x: (3d Tensor) tensor to be augmented
index: (1d Tensor) repetition tensor
axis: (int) axis for repetition
(3d Tensor) tensor after repetition
index = tf.reshape(index, (-1,))
_, _, n = tf.unique_with_counts(index)
return _repeat(x, n, axis)
[docs]def gather(tensor: tf.Tensor, indices: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor:
Alternative implementations to tf.gather, without the index warnings
tensor: (Tensor) tensor to be gathered
indices: (Tensor) indices tensor
ta = tf.TensorArray(dtype=DataType.tf_float, size=0, dynamic_size=True)
ta = ta.unstack(tensor)
results = ta.gather(indices)
return results