Implements megnet models.
from typing import Dict, List, Callable
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, Input, Concatenate, Add, Embedding, Dropout
from tensorflow.keras.models import Model
from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam
from tensorflow.keras.regularizers import l2
from megnet.activations import softplus2
from megnet.config import DataType
from megnet.data.crystal import CrystalGraph
from megnet.data.graph import GaussianDistance, StructureGraph
from megnet.layers import MEGNetLayer, Set2Set, GaussianExpansion
from megnet.utils.preprocessing import DummyScaler, Scaler
from .base import GraphModel
[docs]class MEGNetModel(GraphModel):
Construct a graph network model with or without explicit atom features
if n_feature is specified then a general graph model is assumed,
otherwise a crystal graph model with z number as atom feature is assumed.
def __init__(
nfeat_edge: int = None,
nfeat_global: int = None,
nfeat_node: int = None,
nblocks: int = 3,
lr: float = 1e-3,
n1: int = 64,
n2: int = 32,
n3: int = 16,
nvocal: int = 95,
embedding_dim: int = 16,
nbvocal: int = None,
bond_embedding_dim: int = None,
ngvocal: int = None,
global_embedding_dim: int = None,
npass: int = 3,
ntarget: int = 1,
act: Callable = softplus2,
is_classification: bool = False,
loss: str = "mse",
metrics: List[str] = None,
l2_coef: float = None,
dropout: float = None,
graph_converter: StructureGraph = None,
target_scaler: Scaler = DummyScaler(),
optimizer_kwargs: Dict = {"clipnorm": 3},
dropout_on_predict: bool = False,
sample_weight_mode: str = None,
nfeat_edge: (int) number of bond features
nfeat_global: (int) number of state features
nfeat_node: (int) number of atom features
nblocks: (int) number of MEGNetLayer blocks
lr: (float) learning rate
n1: (int) number of hidden units in layer 1 in MEGNetLayer
n2: (int) number of hidden units in layer 2 in MEGNetLayer
n3: (int) number of hidden units in layer 3 in MEGNetLayer
nvocal: (int) number of total element
embedding_dim: (int) number of embedding dimension
nbvocal: (int) number of bond types if bond attributes are types
bond_embedding_dim: (int) number of bond embedding dimension
ngvocal: (int) number of global types if global attributes are types
global_embedding_dim: (int) number of global embedding dimension
npass: (int) number of recurrent steps in Set2Set layer
ntarget: (int) number of output targets
act: (object) activation function
l2_coef: (float or None) l2 regularization parameter
is_classification: (bool) whether it is a classification task
loss: (object or str) loss function
metrics: (list or dict) List or dictionary of Keras metrics to be evaluated by the model during training
and testing
dropout: (float) dropout rate
graph_converter: (object) object that exposes a "convert" method for structure to graph conversion
target_scaler: (object) object that exposes a "transform" and "inverse_transform" methods for transforming
the target values
optimizer_kwargs (dict): extra keywords for optimizer, for example clipnorm and clipvalue
sample_weight_mode (str): sample weight mode for compilation
kwargs (dict): in the case where bond inputs are pure distances (not the expanded distances nor integers
for embedding, i.e., nfeat_edge=None and bond_embedding_dim=None),
kwargs can take additional inputs for expand the distance using Gaussian basis.
centers (np.ndarray): array for defining the Gaussian expansion centers
width (float): width for the Gaussian basis
# Build the MEG Model
model = make_megnet_model(
# Compile the model with the optimizer
loss = "binary_crossentropy" if is_classification else loss
opt_params = {"lr": lr}
if optimizer_kwargs is not None:
model.compile(Adam(**opt_params), loss, metrics=metrics, sample_weight_mode=sample_weight_mode)
if graph_converter is None:
graph_converter = CrystalGraph(cutoff=4, bond_converter=GaussianDistance(np.linspace(0, 5, 100), 0.5))
super().__init__(model=model, target_scaler=target_scaler, graph_converter=graph_converter)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_url(cls, url: str) -> GraphModel:
Download and load a model from a URL. E.g.
url: (str) url link of the model
import urllib.request
fname = url.split("/")[-1]
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, fname)
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url + ".json", fname + ".json")
return cls.from_file(fname)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_mvl_models(cls, name: str) -> GraphModel:
load model using mvl model names
name (str): model name string. Please check
megnet.utils.models.AVAILABEL_MODELS for available models
Returns: GraphModel instance
from megnet.utils.models import load_model
return load_model(name)
[docs]def make_megnet_model(
nfeat_edge: int = None,
nfeat_global: int = None,
nfeat_node: int = None,
nblocks: int = 3,
n1: int = 64,
n2: int = 32,
n3: int = 16,
nvocal: int = 95,
embedding_dim: int = 16,
nbvocal: int = None,
bond_embedding_dim: int = None,
ngvocal: int = None,
global_embedding_dim: int = None,
npass: int = 3,
ntarget: int = 1,
act: Callable = softplus2,
is_classification: bool = False,
l2_coef: float = None,
dropout: float = None,
dropout_on_predict: bool = False,
) -> Model:
"""Make a MEGNet Model
nfeat_edge: (int) number of bond features
nfeat_global: (int) number of state features
nfeat_node: (int) number of atom features
nblocks: (int) number of MEGNetLayer blocks
n1: (int) number of hidden units in layer 1 in MEGNetLayer
n2: (int) number of hidden units in layer 2 in MEGNetLayer
n3: (int) number of hidden units in layer 3 in MEGNetLayer
nvocal: (int) number of total element
embedding_dim: (int) number of embedding dimension
nbvocal: (int) number of bond types if bond attributes are types
bond_embedding_dim: (int) number of bond embedding dimension
ngvocal: (int) number of global types if global attributes are types
global_embedding_dim: (int) number of global embedding dimension
npass: (int) number of recurrent steps in Set2Set layer
ntarget: (int) number of output targets
act: (object) activation function
l2_coef: (float or None) l2 regularization parameter
is_classification: (bool) whether it is a classification task
dropout: (float) dropout rate
dropout_on_predict (bool): Whether to use dropout during prediction and training
kwargs (dict): in the case where bond inputs are pure distances (not the expanded
distances nor integers for embedding, i.e., nfeat_edge=None and bond_embedding_dim=None),
kwargs can take additional inputs for expand the distance using Gaussian basis.
centers (np.ndarray): array for defining the Gaussian expansion centers
width (float): width for the Gaussian basis
(Model) Keras model, ready to run
# Get the setting for the training kwarg of Dropout
dropout_training = True if dropout_on_predict else None
# atom inputs
if nfeat_node is None:
# only z as feature
x1 = Input(shape=(None,), dtype=DataType.tf_int, name="atom_int_input")
x1_ = Embedding(nvocal, embedding_dim, name="atom_embedding")(x1)
x1 = Input(shape=(None, nfeat_node), name="atom_feature_input")
x1_ = x1
# bond inputs
if nfeat_edge is None:
if bond_embedding_dim is not None:
# bond attributes are integers for embedding
x2 = Input(shape=(None,), dtype=DataType.tf_int, name="bond_int_input")
x2_ = Embedding(nbvocal, bond_embedding_dim, name="bond_embedding")(x2)
# the bond attributes are float distance
x2 = Input(shape=(None,), dtype=DataType.tf_float, name="bond_float_input")
centers = kwargs.get("centers", None)
width = kwargs.get("width", None)
if centers is None and width is None:
raise ValueError(
"If the bond attributes are single float values, "
"we expect the value to be expanded before passing "
"to the models. Therefore, `centers` and `width` for "
"Gaussian basis expansion are needed"
x2_ = GaussianExpansion(centers=centers, width=width)(x2) # type: ignore
x2 = Input(shape=(None, nfeat_edge), name="bond_feature_input")
x2_ = x2
# state inputs
if nfeat_global is None:
if global_embedding_dim is not None:
# global state inputs are embedding integers
x3 = Input(shape=(None,), dtype=DataType.tf_int, name="state_int_input")
x3_ = Embedding(ngvocal, global_embedding_dim, name="state_embedding")(x3)
# take default vector of two zeros
x3 = Input(shape=(None, 2), dtype=DataType.tf_float, name="state_default_input")
x3_ = x3
x3 = Input(shape=(None, nfeat_global), name="state_feature_input")
x3_ = x3
x4 = Input(shape=(None,), dtype=DataType.tf_int, name="bond_index_1_input")
x5 = Input(shape=(None,), dtype=DataType.tf_int, name="bond_index_2_input")
x6 = Input(shape=(None,), dtype=DataType.tf_int, name="atom_graph_index_input")
x7 = Input(shape=(None,), dtype=DataType.tf_int, name="bond_graph_index_input")
if l2_coef is not None:
reg = l2(l2_coef)
reg = None
# two feedforward layers
def ff(x, n_hiddens=[n1, n2], name_prefix=None):
if name_prefix is None:
name_prefix = "FF"
out = x
for k, i in enumerate(n_hiddens):
out = Dense(i, activation=act, kernel_regularizer=reg, name=f"{name_prefix}_{k}")(out)
return out
# a block corresponds to two feedforward layers + one MEGNetLayer layer
# Note the first block does not contain the feedforward layer since
# it will be explicitly added before the block
def one_block(a, b, c, has_ff=True, block_index=0):
if has_ff:
x1_ = ff(a, name_prefix=f"block_{block_index}_atom_ff")
x2_ = ff(b, name_prefix=f"block_{block_index}_bond_ff")
x3_ = ff(c, name_prefix=f"block_{block_index}_state_ff")
x1_ = a
x2_ = b
x3_ = c
out = MEGNetLayer(
[n1, n1, n2],
[n1, n1, n2],
[n1, n1, n2],
)([x1_, x2_, x3_, x4, x5, x6, x7])
x1_temp = out[0]
x2_temp = out[1]
x3_temp = out[2]
if dropout:
x1_temp = Dropout(dropout, name=f"dropout_atom_{block_index}")(x1_temp, training=dropout_training)
x2_temp = Dropout(dropout, name=f"dropout_bond_{block_index}")(x2_temp, training=dropout_training)
x3_temp = Dropout(dropout, name=f"dropout_state_{block_index}")(x3_temp, training=dropout_training)
return x1_temp, x2_temp, x3_temp
x1_ = ff(x1_, name_prefix="preblock_atom")
x2_ = ff(x2_, name_prefix="preblock_bond")
x3_ = ff(x3_, name_prefix="preblock_state")
for i in range(nblocks):
if i == 0:
has_ff = False
has_ff = True
x1_1 = x1_
x2_1 = x2_
x3_1 = x3_
x1_1, x2_1, x3_1 = one_block(x1_1, x2_1, x3_1, has_ff, block_index=i)
# skip connection
x1_ = Add(name=f"block_{i}_add_atom")([x1_, x1_1])
x2_ = Add(name=f"block_{i}_add_bond")([x2_, x2_1])
x3_ = Add(name=f"block_{i}_add_state")([x3_, x3_1])
# print(Set2Set(T=npass, n_hidden=n3, kernel_regularizer=reg, name='set2set_atom'
# ).compute_output_shape([i.shape for i in [x1_, x6]]))
# set2set for both the atom and bond
node_vec = Set2Set(T=npass, n_hidden=n3, kernel_regularizer=reg, name="set2set_atom")([x1_, x6])
# print('Node vec', node_vec)
edge_vec = Set2Set(T=npass, n_hidden=n3, kernel_regularizer=reg, name="set2set_bond")([x2_, x7])
# concatenate atom, bond, and global
final_vec = Concatenate(axis=-1)([node_vec, edge_vec, x3_])
if dropout:
final_vec = Dropout(dropout, name="dropout_final")(final_vec, training=dropout_training)
# final dense layers
final_vec = Dense(n2, activation=act, kernel_regularizer=reg, name="readout_0")(final_vec)
final_vec = Dense(n3, activation=act, kernel_regularizer=reg, name="readout_1")(final_vec)
if is_classification:
final_act = "sigmoid"
final_act = None # type: ignore
out = Dense(ntarget, activation=final_act, name="readout_2")(final_vec)
model = Model(inputs=[x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7], outputs=out)
return model