Source code for megnet.layers.graph.megnet

Megnet graph layer implementation
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.keras.backend as kb

from megnet.layers.graph import GraphNetworkLayer
from megnet.utils.layer import repeat_with_index

__author__ = "Chi Chen"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2018, Materials Virtual Lab "
__version__ = "0.1"
__date__ = "Dec 1, 2018"

[docs]class MEGNetLayer(GraphNetworkLayer): """ The MEGNet graph implementation as described in the paper Chen, Chi; Ye, Weike Ye; Zuo, Yunxing; Zheng, Chen; Ong, Shyue Ping. Graph Networks as a Universal Machine Learning Framework for Molecules and Crystals, 2018, arXiv preprint. [arXiv:1812.05055]( Methods: call(inputs, mask=None): the logic of the layer, returns the final graph compute_output_shape(input_shape): compute static output shapes, returns list of tuple shapes build(input_shape): initialize the weights and biases for each function phi_e(inputs): update function for bonds and returns updated bond attribute e_p rho_e_v(e_p, inputs): aggregate updated bonds e_p to per atom attributes, b_e_p phi_v(b_e_p, inputs): update the atom attributes by the results from previous step b_e_p and all the inputs returns v_p. rho_e_u(e_p, inputs): aggregate bonds to global attribute rho_v_u(v_p, inputs): aggregate atom to global attributes get_config(): part of keras interface for serialization """ def __init__( self, units_v, units_e, units_u, pool_method="mean", activation=None, use_bias=True, kernel_initializer="glorot_uniform", bias_initializer="zeros", kernel_regularizer=None, bias_regularizer=None, activity_regularizer=None, kernel_constraint=None, bias_constraint=None, **kwargs, ): """ Args: units_v (list of integers): the hidden layer sizes for node update neural network units_e (list of integers): the hidden layer sizes for edge update neural network units_u (list of integers): the hidden layer sizes for state update neural network pool_method (str): 'mean' or 'sum', determines how information is gathered to nodes from neighboring edges activation (str): Default: None. The activation function used for each sub-neural network. Examples include 'relu', 'softmax', 'tanh', 'sigmoid' and etc. use_bias (bool): Default: True. Whether to use the bias term in the neural network. kernel_initializer (str): Default: 'glorot_uniform'. Initialization function for the layer kernel weights, bias_initializer (str): Default: 'zeros' activity_regularizer (str): Default: None. The regularization function for the output kernel_constraint (str): Default: None. Keras constraint for kernel values bias_constraint (str): Default: None .Keras constraint for bias values """ super().__init__( activation=activation, use_bias=use_bias, kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, bias_initializer=bias_initializer, kernel_regularizer=kernel_regularizer, bias_regularizer=bias_regularizer, activity_regularizer=activity_regularizer, kernel_constraint=kernel_constraint, bias_constraint=bias_constraint, **kwargs, ) self.units_v = units_v self.units_e = units_e self.units_u = units_u self.pool_method = pool_method if pool_method == "mean": self.reduce_method = tf.reduce_mean self.unsorted_seg_method = tf.math.unsorted_segment_mean self.seg_method = tf.math.segment_mean elif pool_method == "sum": self.reduce_method = tf.reduce_sum self.seg_method = tf.math.segment_sum self.unsorted_seg_method = tf.math.unsorted_segment_sum else: raise ValueError("Pool method: " + pool_method + " not understood!")
[docs] def build(self, input_shapes): """ Build the weights for the layer Args: input_shapes (sequence of tuple): the shapes of all input tensors """ vdim = input_shapes[0][2] edim = input_shapes[1][2] udim = input_shapes[2][2] with kb.name_scope( with kb.name_scope("phi_v"): v_shapes = [self.units_e[-1] + vdim + udim] + self.units_v v_shapes = list(zip(v_shapes[:-1], v_shapes[1:])) self.phi_v_weights = [ self.add_weight( shape=i, initializer=self.kernel_initializer, name=f"weight_v_{j}", regularizer=self.kernel_regularizer, constraint=self.kernel_constraint, ) for j, i in enumerate(v_shapes) ] if self.use_bias: self.phi_v_biases = [ self.add_weight( shape=(i[-1],), initializer=self.bias_initializer, name=f"bias_v_{j}", regularizer=self.bias_regularizer, constraint=self.bias_constraint, ) for j, i in enumerate(v_shapes) ] else: self.phi_v_biases = None with kb.name_scope("phi_e"): e_shapes = [2 * vdim + edim + udim] + self.units_e e_shapes = list(zip(e_shapes[:-1], e_shapes[1:])) self.phi_e_weights = [ self.add_weight( shape=i, initializer=self.kernel_initializer, name=f"weight_e_{j}", regularizer=self.kernel_regularizer, constraint=self.kernel_constraint, ) for j, i in enumerate(e_shapes) ] if self.use_bias: self.phi_e_biases = [ self.add_weight( shape=(i[-1],), initializer=self.bias_initializer, name=f"bias_e_{j}", regularizer=self.bias_regularizer, constraint=self.bias_constraint, ) for j, i in enumerate(e_shapes) ] else: self.phi_e_biases = None with kb.name_scope("phi_u"): u_shapes = [self.units_e[-1] + self.units_v[-1] + udim] + self.units_u u_shapes = list(zip(u_shapes[:-1], u_shapes[1:])) self.phi_u_weights = [ self.add_weight( shape=i, initializer=self.kernel_initializer, name=f"weight_u_{j}", regularizer=self.kernel_regularizer, constraint=self.kernel_constraint, ) for j, i in enumerate(u_shapes) ] if self.use_bias: self.phi_u_biases = [ self.add_weight( shape=(i[-1],), initializer=self.bias_initializer, name=f"bias_u_{j}", regularizer=self.bias_regularizer, constraint=self.bias_constraint, ) for j, i in enumerate(u_shapes) ] else: self.phi_u_biases = None self.built = True
[docs] def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape): """ Compute output shapes from input shapes Args: input_shape (sequence of tuple): input shapes Returns: sequence of tuples output shapes """ node_feature_shape = input_shape[0] edge_feature_shape = input_shape[1] state_feature_shape = input_shape[2] output_shape = [ (node_feature_shape[0], node_feature_shape[1], self.units_v[-1]), (edge_feature_shape[0], edge_feature_shape[1], self.units_e[-1]), (state_feature_shape[0], state_feature_shape[1], self.units_u[-1]), ] return output_shape
[docs] def phi_e(self, inputs): """ Edge update function Args: inputs (tuple of tensor) Returns: output tensor """ nodes, edges, u, index1, index2, gnode, gbond = inputs index1 = tf.reshape(index1, (-1,)) index2 = tf.reshape(index2, (-1,)) fs = tf.gather(nodes, index1, axis=1) fr = tf.gather(nodes, index2, axis=1) concate_node = tf.concat([fs, fr], -1) u_expand = repeat_with_index(u, gbond, axis=1) concated = tf.concat([concate_node, edges, u_expand], -1) return self._mlp(concated, self.phi_e_weights, self.phi_e_biases)
[docs] def rho_e_v(self, e_p, inputs): """ Reduce edge attributes to node attribute, eqn 5 in the paper Args: e_p: updated bond inputs: the whole input list Returns: summed tensor """ node, edges, u, index1, index2, gnode, gbond = inputs index1 = tf.reshape(index1, (-1,)) return tf.expand_dims(self.unsorted_seg_method(tf.squeeze(e_p), index1, num_segments=tf.shape(node)[1]), axis=0)
[docs] def phi_v(self, b_ei_p, inputs): """ Node update function Args: b_ei_p (tensor): edge aggregated tensor inputs (tuple of tensors): other graph inputs Returns: updated node tensor """ nodes, edges, u, index1, index2, gnode, gbond = inputs u_expand = repeat_with_index(u, gnode, axis=1) concated = tf.concat([b_ei_p, nodes, u_expand], -1) return self._mlp(concated, self.phi_v_weights, self.phi_v_biases)
[docs] def rho_e_u(self, e_p, inputs): """ aggregate edge to state Args: e_p (tensor): edge tensor inputs (tuple of tensors): other graph input tensors Returns: edge aggregated tensor for states """ nodes, edges, u, index1, index2, gnode, gbond = inputs gbond = tf.reshape(gbond, (-1,)) return tf.expand_dims(self.seg_method(tf.squeeze(e_p), gbond), axis=0)
[docs] def rho_v_u(self, v_p, inputs): """ Args: v_p (tf.Tensor): updated atom/node attributes inputs (Sequence): list or tuple for the graph inputs Returns: atom/node to global/state aggregated tensor """ nodes, edges, u, index1, index2, gnode, gbond = inputs gnode = tf.reshape(gnode, (-1,)) return tf.expand_dims(self.seg_method(tf.squeeze(v_p, axis=0), gnode), axis=0)
[docs] def phi_u(self, b_e_p, b_v_p, inputs): """ Args: b_e_p (tf.Tensor): edge/bond to global aggregated tensor b_v_p (tf.Tensor): node/atom to global aggregated tensor inputs (Sequence): list or tuple for the graph inputs Returns: updated globa/state attributes """ concated = tf.concat([b_e_p, b_v_p, inputs[2]], -1) return self._mlp(concated, self.phi_u_weights, self.phi_u_biases)
def _mlp(self, input_, weights, biases): if biases is None: biases = [0] * len(weights) act = input_ for w, b in zip(weights, biases): output =, w) + b act = self.activation(output) return output
[docs] def get_config(self): """ Part of keras layer interface, where the signature is converted into a dict Returns: configurational dictionary """ config = { "units_e": self.units_e, "units_v": self.units_v, "units_u": self.units_u, "pool_method": self.pool_method, } base_config = super().get_config() return dict(list(base_config.items()) + list(config.items()))