Source code for

Simple qm9 utils, kept here for historical reasons
from monty.json import MSONable

ATOMNUM2TYPE = {"1": 1, "6": 2, "7": 4, "8": 6, "9": 8}

[docs]class AtomNumberToTypeConverter(MSONable): """ Convert atomic number Z into the atomic type in the QM9 dataset. This is specifically used for this problem, do not use it elsewhere. The code is here for historical reasons. """ def __init__(self, mapping=ATOMNUM2TYPE): """ Atomic number to atomic type converter Args: mapping (dict): mapping dictionary """ self.mapping = mapping
[docs] def convert(self, z_list: list) -> list: """ Convert the atomic number list to atomic type list Args: z_list (list of integer): atomic number list Returns: list of integer, atomic type list """ return [self.mapping[str(i)] for i in z_list]
[docs]def ring_to_vector(z_list: list, max_size: int = 9) -> list: """ Convert the ring sizes vector to a fixed length vector For example, l can be [3, 5, 5], meaning that the atom is involved in 1 3-sized ring and 2 5-sized ring. This function will convert it into [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]. Args: z_list: (list of integer) ring_sizes attributes max_size: (int) maximum number of atoms in the ring Returns: (list of integer) fixed size list with the i-1 th element indicates number of i-sized ring this atom is involved in. """ return_l = [0] * max_size if z_list: for i in z_list: return_l[i - 1] += 1 return return_l