Source code for

Tools for creating graph inputs from molecule data

import itertools
import os
import sys
from collections import deque
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Pool
from typing import Dict, Union, List

import numpy as np
from pymatgen.core import Molecule, Element
from pymatgen.analysis.local_env import NearNeighbors
from import BabelMolAdaptor

from import StructureGraph, GaussianDistance, BaseGraphBatchGenerator, GraphBatchGenerator, Converter
from megnet.utils.general import fast_label_binarize
from .qm9 import ring_to_vector

    import pybel  # type: ignore
except ImportError:
        from openbabel import pybel
    except ImportError:
        pybel = None

    from rdkit import Chem  # type: ignore
except ImportError:
    Chem = None

__date__ = "12/01/2018"

# List of features to use by default for each atom

# List of features to use by default for each bond
_BOND_FEATURES = ["bond_type", "same_ring", "spatial_distance", "graph_distance"]

# List of elements in library to use by default
_ELEMENTS = ["H", "C", "N", "O", "F"]

[docs]class SimpleMolGraph(StructureGraph): """ Default using all atom pairs as bonds. The distance between atoms are used as bond features. By default the distance is expanded using a Gaussian expansion with centers at np.linspace(0, 4, 20) and width of 0.5 """ def __init__( self, nn_strategy: Union[str, NearNeighbors] = "AllAtomPairs", atom_converter: Converter = None, bond_converter: Converter = None, ): """ Args: nn_strategy (str): NearNeighbor strategy atom_converter (Converter): atomic features converter object bond_converter (Converter): bond features converter object """ if bond_converter is None: bond_converter = GaussianDistance(np.linspace(0, 4, 20), 0.5) super().__init__(nn_strategy=nn_strategy, atom_converter=atom_converter, bond_converter=bond_converter)
[docs]class MolecularGraph(StructureGraph): """Class for generating the graph inputs from a molecule Computes many different features for the atoms and bonds in a molecule, and prepares them in a form compatible with MEGNet models. The :meth:`convert` method takes a OpenBabel molecule and, besides computing features, also encodes them in a form compatible with machine learning. Namely, the `convert` method one-hot encodes categorical variables and concatenates the atomic features ## Atomic Features This class can compute the following features for each atom - `atomic_num`: The atomic number - `element`: (categorical) Element identity. (Unlike `atomic_num`, element is one-hot-encoded) - `chirality`: (categorical) R, S, or not a Chiral center (one-hot encoded). - `formal_charge`: Formal charge of the atom - `ring_sizes`: For rings with 9 or fewer atoms, how many unique rings of each size include this atom - `hybridization`: (categorical) Hybridization of atom: sp, sp2, sp3, sq. planer, trig, octahedral, or hydrogen - `donor`: (boolean) Whether the atom is a hydrogen bond donor - `acceptor`: (boolean) Whether the atom is a hydrogen bond acceptor - `aromatic`: (boolean) Whether the atom is part of an aromatic system ## Atom Pair Features The class also computes features for each pair of atoms - `bond_type`: (categorical) Whether the pair are unbonded, or in a single, double, triple, or aromatic bond - `same_ring`: (boolean) Whether the atoms are in the same aromatic ring - `graph_distance`: Distance of shortest path between atoms on the bonding graph - `spatial_distance`: Euclidean distance between the atoms. By default, this distance is expanded into a vector of 20 different values computed using the `GaussianDistance` converter """ def __init__( self, atom_features: List[str] = None, bond_features: List[str] = None, distance_converter: Converter = None, known_elements: List[str] = None, max_ring_size: int = 9, ): """ Args: atom_features ([str]): List of atom features to compute bond_features ([str]): List of bond features to compute distance_converter (DistanceCovertor): Tool used to expand distances from a single scalar vector to an array of values known_elements ([str]): List of elements expected to be in dataset. Used only if the feature `element` is used to describe each atom max_ring_size (int): Maximum number of atom in the ring """ # Check if openbabel and RDKit are installed if Chem is None or pybel is None: raise RuntimeError("RDKit and openbabel must be installed") super().__init__() if bond_features is None: bond_features = _BOND_FEATURES if atom_features is None: atom_features = _ATOM_FEATURES if distance_converter is None: distance_converter = GaussianDistance(np.linspace(0, 4, 20), 0.5) if known_elements is None: known_elements = _ELEMENTS # Check if all feature names are valid if any(i not in _ATOM_FEATURES for i in atom_features): bad_features = set(atom_features).difference(_ATOM_FEATURES) raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized atom features: {', '.join(bad_features)}") self.atom_features = atom_features if any(i not in _BOND_FEATURES for i in bond_features): bad_features = set(bond_features).difference(_BOND_FEATURES) raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized bond features: {', '.join(bad_features)}") self.bond_features = bond_features self.known_elements = known_elements self.distance_converter = distance_converter self.max_ring_size = max_ring_size
[docs] def convert(self, mol, state_attributes: List = None, full_pair_matrix: bool = True) -> Dict: # type: ignore """ Compute the representation for a molecule Args: mol (pybel.Molecule): Molecule to generate features for state_attributes (list): State attributes. Uses average mass and number of bonds per atom as default full_pair_matrix (bool): Whether to generate info for all atom pairs, not just bonded ones Returns: (dict): Dictionary of features """ # Get the features features for all atoms and bonds atom_features = [] atom_pairs: List[Dict] = [] for idx, atom in enumerate(mol.atoms): f = self.get_atom_feature(mol, atom) atom_features.append(f) atom_features = sorted(atom_features, key=lambda x: x["coordid"]) num_atoms = mol.OBMol.NumAtoms() for i, j in itertools.combinations(range(0, num_atoms), 2): bond_feature = self.get_pair_feature(mol, i, j, full_pair_matrix) if bond_feature: atom_pairs.append(bond_feature) else: continue # Compute the graph distance, if desired if "graph_distance" in self.bond_features: graph_dist = self._dijkstra_distance(atom_pairs) for pair in atom_pairs: d: Dict = {"graph_distance": graph_dist[pair["a_idx"], pair["b_idx"]]} pair.update(d) # Generate the state attributes (that describe the whole network) state_attributes = state_attributes or [ [mol.molwt / num_atoms, len([i for i in atom_pairs if i["bond_type"] > 0]) / num_atoms] ] # Get the atom features in the order they are requested by the user as a 2D array atoms = [] for atom in atom_features: atoms.append(self._create_atom_feature_vector(atom)) # Get the bond features in the order request by the user bonds = [] index1_temp = [] index2_temp = [] for bond in atom_pairs: # Store the index of each bond index1_temp.append(bond.pop("a_idx")) index2_temp.append(bond.pop("b_idx")) # Get the desired bond features bonds.append(self._create_pair_feature_vector(bond)) # Given the bonds (i,j), make it so (i,j) == (j, i) index1 = index1_temp + index2_temp index2 = index2_temp + index1_temp bonds = bonds + bonds # Sort the arrays by the beginning index sorted_arg = np.argsort(index1) index1 = np.array(index1)[sorted_arg].tolist() index2 = np.array(index2)[sorted_arg].tolist() bonds = np.array(bonds)[sorted_arg].tolist() return {"atom": atoms, "bond": bonds, "state": state_attributes, "index1": index1, "index2": index2}
def _create_pair_feature_vector(self, bond: Dict) -> List[int]: """Generate the feature vector from the bond feature dictionary Handles the binarization of categorical variables, and performing the distance conversion Args: bond (dict): Features for a certain pair of atoms Returns: ([float]) Values converted to a vector """ bond_temp: List[int] = [] for i in self.bond_features: # Some features require conversion (e.g., binarization) if i in bond: if i == "bond_type": bond_temp.extend(fast_label_binarize(bond[i], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4])) elif i == "same_ring": bond_temp.append(int(bond[i])) elif i == "spatial_distance": expanded = self.distance_converter.convert([bond[i]])[0] if isinstance(expanded, np.ndarray): # If we use a distance expansion bond_temp.extend(expanded.tolist()) else: # If not bond_temp.append(expanded) else: bond_temp.append(bond[i]) return bond_temp def _create_atom_feature_vector(self, atom: dict) -> List[int]: """Generate the feature vector from the atomic feature dictionary Handles the binarization of categorical variables, and transforming the ring_sizes to a list Args: atom (dict): Dictionary of atomic features Returns: ([int]): Atomic feature vector """ atom_temp = [] for i in self.atom_features: if i == "chirality": atom_temp.extend(fast_label_binarize(atom[i], [0, 1, 2])) elif i == "element": atom_temp.extend(fast_label_binarize(atom[i], self.known_elements)) elif i in ["aromatic", "donor", "acceptor"]: atom_temp.append(int(atom[i])) elif i == "hybridization": atom_temp.extend(fast_label_binarize(atom[i], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])) elif i == "ring_sizes": atom_temp.extend(ring_to_vector(atom[i], self.max_ring_size)) else: # It is a scalar atom_temp.append(atom[i]) return atom_temp @staticmethod def _dijkstra_distance(pairs: List[Dict]) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute the graph distance between each pair of atoms, using the network defined by the bonded atoms. Args: pairs ([dict]): List of bond information Returns: ([int]) Distance for each pair of bonds """ bonds = [] for p in pairs: if p["bond_type"] > 0: bonds.append([p["a_idx"], p["b_idx"]]) return dijkstra_distance(bonds)
[docs] def get_atom_feature( self, mol, atom # type: ignore ) -> Dict: # type: ignore """ Generate all features of a particular atom Args: mol (pybel.Molecule): Molecule being evaluated atom (pybel.Atom): Specific atom being evaluated Return: (dict): All features for that atom """ # Get the link to the OpenBabel representation of the atom obatom = atom.OBAtom atom_idx = atom.idx - 1 # (pybel atoms indices start from 1) # Get the element element = Element.from_Z(obatom.GetAtomicNum()).symbol # Get the fast-to-compute properties output = { "element": element, "atomic_num": obatom.GetAtomicNum(), "formal_charge": obatom.GetFormalCharge(), "hybridization": 6 if element == "H" else obatom.GetHyb(), "acceptor": obatom.IsHbondAcceptor(), "donor": obatom.IsHbondDonorH() if atom.type == "H" else obatom.IsHbondDonor(), "aromatic": obatom.IsAromatic(), "coordid": atom.coordidx, } # Get the chirality, if desired if "chirality" in self.atom_features: # Determine whether the molecule has chiral centers chiral_cc = self._get_chiral_centers(mol) if atom_idx not in chiral_cc: output["chirality"] = 0 else: # 1 --> 'R', 2 --> 'S' output["chirality"] = 1 if chiral_cc[atom_idx] == "R" else 2 # Find the rings, if desired if "ring_sizes" in self.atom_features: rings = mol.OBMol.GetSSSR() # OpenBabel caches ring computation internally, no need to cache ourselves output["ring_sizes"] = [r.Size() for r in rings if r.IsInRing(atom.idx)] return output
[docs] @staticmethod def create_bond_feature(mol, bid: int, eid: int) -> Dict: """ Create information for a bond for a pair of atoms that are not actually bonded Args: mol (pybel.Molecule): Molecule being featurized bid (int): Index of atom beginning of the bond eid (int): Index of atom at the end of the bond """ a1 = mol.OBMol.GetAtom(bid + 1) a2 = mol.OBMol.GetAtom(eid + 1) same_ring = mol.OBMol.AreInSameRing(a1, a2) return { "a_idx": bid, "b_idx": eid, "bond_type": 0, "same_ring": bool(same_ring), "spatial_distance": a1.GetDistance(a2), }
[docs] def get_pair_feature(self, mol, bid: int, eid: int, full_pair_matrix: bool) -> Union[Dict, None]: """ Get the features for a certain bond Args: mol (pybel.Molecule): Molecule being featurized bid (int): Index of atom beginning of the bond eid (int): Index of atom at the end of the bond full_pair_matrix (bool): Whether to compute the matrix for every atom - even those that are not actually bonded """ # Find the bonded pair of atoms bond = mol.OBMol.GetBond(bid + 1, eid + 1) if not bond: # If the bond is ordered in the other direction bond = mol.OBMol.GetBond(eid + 1, bid + 1) # If the atoms are not bonded if not bond: if full_pair_matrix: return self.create_bond_feature(mol, bid, eid) return None # Compute bond features a1 = mol.OBMol.GetAtom(bid + 1) a2 = mol.OBMol.GetAtom(eid + 1) same_ring = mol.OBMol.AreInSameRing(a1, a2) return { "a_idx": bid, "b_idx": eid, "bond_type": 4 if bond.IsAromatic() else bond.GetBondOrder(), "same_ring": bool(same_ring), "spatial_distance": a1.GetDistance(a2), }
@staticmethod def _get_rdk_mol(mol, format: str = "smiles"): """ Return: RDKit Mol (w/o H) """ if format == "pdb": return Chem.rdmolfiles.MolFromPDBBlock(mol.write("pdb")) if format == "smiles": return Chem.rdmolfiles.MolFromSmiles(mol.write("smiles")) return None def _get_chiral_centers(self, mol): """ Use RDKit to find the chiral centers with CIP(R/S) label This provides the absolute stereochemistry. The chiral label obtained from pybabel and rdkit.mol.getchiraltag is relative positions of the bonds as provided Args: mol (Molecule): Molecule to asses Return: (dict): Keys are the atom index and values are the CIP label """ mol_rdk = self._get_rdk_mol(mol, "smiles") if mol_rdk is None: # Conversion to RDKit has failed return {} chiral_cc = Chem.FindMolChiralCenters(mol_rdk) return dict(chiral_cc)
[docs]def dijkstra_distance(bonds: List[List[int]]) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute the graph distance based on the dijkstra algorithm Args: bonds: (list of list), for example [[0, 1], [1, 2]] means two bonds formed by atom 0, 1 and atom 1, 2 Returns: full graph distance matrix """ nb_atom = max(itertools.chain(*bonds)) + 1 graph_dist = np.ones((nb_atom, nb_atom), dtype=np.int32) * np.infty for bond in bonds: graph_dist[bond[0], bond[1]] = 1 graph_dist[bond[1], bond[0]] = 1 queue: deque = deque() # Queue used in all loops visited: set = set() # Used in all loops for i in range(nb_atom): graph_dist[i, i] = 0 visited.clear() queue.append(i) while queue: s = queue.pop() visited.add(s) for k in np.where(graph_dist[s, :] == 1)[0]: if k not in visited: queue.append(k) graph_dist[i, k] = min(graph_dist[i, k], graph_dist[i, s] + 1) graph_dist[k, i] = graph_dist[i, k] return graph_dist
[docs]def mol_from_smiles(smiles: str): """ load molecule object from smiles string Args: smiles (string): smiles string Returns: openbabel molecule """ mol = pybel.readstring(format="smi", string=smiles) mol.make3D() return mol
[docs]def mol_from_pymatgen(mol: Molecule): """ Args: mol(Molecule) """ mol = pybel.Molecule(BabelMolAdaptor(mol).openbabel_mol) mol.make3D() return mol
[docs]def mol_from_file(file_path: str, file_format: str = "xyz"): """ Args: file_path(str) file_format(str): allow formats that open babel supports """ mol = list(pybel.readfile(format=file_format, filename=file_path))[0] return mol
def _convert_mol(mol: str, molecule_format: str, converter: MolecularGraph) -> Dict: """Convert a molecule from string to its graph features Utility function used in the graph generator. The parse and convert operations are both in this function due to Pybel objects not being serializable. By not using the Pybel representation of each molecule as an input to this function, we can use multiprocessing to parallelize conversion over molecules as strings can be passed as pickle objects to the worker threads but but Pybel objects cannot. Args: mol (str): String representation of a molecule molecule_format (str): Format of the string representation converter (MolecularGraph): Tool used to generate graph representation Returns: (dict): Graph representation of the molecule """ # Convert molecule into pybel format if molecule_format == "smiles": mol = mol_from_smiles(mol) # Used to generate 3D coordinates/H atoms else: mol = pybel.readstring(molecule_format, mol) return converter.convert(mol)
[docs]class MolecularGraphBatchGenerator(BaseGraphBatchGenerator): """Generator that creates batches of molecular data by computing graph properties on demand If your dataset is small enough that the descriptions of the whole dataset fit in memory, we recommend using :class:`` instead to avoid the computational cost of dynamically computing graphs.""" def __init__( self, mols: List[str], targets: List[np.ndarray] = None, converter: MolecularGraph = None, molecule_format: str = "xyz", batch_size: int = 128, shuffle: bool = True, n_jobs: int = 1, ): """ Args: mols ([str]): List of the string reprensetations of each molecule targets ([ndarray]): Properties of each molecule to be predicted converter (MolecularGraph): Converter used to generate graph features molecule_format (str): Format of each of the string representations in `mols` batch_size (int): Target size for each batch shuffle (bool): Whether to shuffle the training data after each epoch n_jobs (int): Number of worker threads (None to use all threads). """ super().__init__(len(mols), targets, batch_size, shuffle) self.mols = np.array(mols) if converter is None: converter = MolecularGraph() self.converter = converter self.molecule_format = molecule_format self.n_jobs = n_jobs def mute(): with open(os.devnull, "w") as f: sys.stdout = f sys.stderr = f self.pool = Pool(self.n_jobs, initializer=mute) if self.n_jobs != 1 else None def __del__(self): if self.pool is not None: self.pool.close() # Kill thread pool if generator is deleted def _generate_inputs(self, batch_index: list) -> np.ndarray: # Get the molecules for this batch mols = self.mols[batch_index] # Generate the graphs graphs = self._generate_graphs(mols) # Return them as flattened into array format return self.converter.get_flat_data(graphs) def _generate_graphs(self, mols: List[str]) -> List[Dict]: """Generate graphs for a certain collection of molecules Args: mols ([string]): Molecules to process Returns: ([dict]): Graphs for all of the molecules """ if self.pool is None: graphs = [_convert_mol(m, self.molecule_format, self.converter) for m in mols] else: func = partial(_convert_mol, molecule_format=self.molecule_format, converter=self.converter) graphs =, mols) return graphs
[docs] def create_cached_generator(self) -> GraphBatchGenerator: """Generates features for all of the molecules and stores them in memory Returns: (GraphBatchGenerator) Graph genereator that relies on having the graphs in memory """ # Make all the graphs graphs = self._generate_graphs(self.mols) # Turn them into a fat array atom_features, bond_features, state_features, index1_list, index2_list, targets = self.converter.get_flat_data( graphs, self.targets ) # type: ignore return GraphBatchGenerator( atom_features=atom_features, bond_features=bond_features, state_features=state_features, index1_list=index1_list, index2_list=index2_list, targets=targets, is_shuffle=self.is_shuffle, batch_size=self.batch_size, )