Source code for megnet.activations

Activation functions used in neural networks
from typing import Callable, Any

import tensorflow.keras.backend as kb
from tensorflow.keras.activations import deserialize, serialize  # noqa
from tensorflow.keras.activations import get as keras_get

from megnet.utils.typing import OptStrOrCallable

[docs]def softplus2(x): """ out = log(exp(x)+1) - log(2) softplus function that is 0 at x=0, the implementation aims at avoiding overflow Args: x: (Tensor) input tensor Returns: (Tensor) output tensor """ return kb.relu(x) + kb.log(0.5 * kb.exp(-kb.abs(x)) + 0.5)
[docs]def swish(x): """ out = x * sigmoid(x) Args: x: (Tensor) input tensor Returns: (Tensor) output tensor """ return x * kb.sigmoid(x)
[docs]def get(identifier: OptStrOrCallable = None) -> Callable[..., Any]: """ Get activations by identifier Args: identifier (str or callable): the identifier of activations Returns: callable activation """ try: return keras_get(identifier) except ValueError: if isinstance(identifier, str): return deserialize(identifier, custom_objects=globals()) raise ValueError("Could not interpret:", identifier)