maml.describers package
Describer for converting (structural) objects into models-readable numeric vectors or tensors.
class maml.describers.BPSymmetryFunctions(cutoff: float, r_etas: ndarray, r_shift: ndarray, a_etas: ndarray, zetas: ndarray, lambdas: ndarray, feature_batch: str = ‘pandas_concat’, **kwargs)
Bases: BaseDescriber
Behler-Parrinello symmetry function to describe the local environment of each atom.
Reference: @article{behler2007generalized,
title={Generalized neural-network representation of
high-dimensional potential-energy surfaces},
author={Behler, J{“o}rg and Parrinello, Michele}, journal={Physical review letters}, volume={98}, number={14}, pages={146401}, year={2007}, publisher={APS}}
abc_impl( = <_abc.abc_data object )
_fc(r: float)
Cutoff function to decay the symmetry functions at vicinity of radial cutoff.
- Parameters r (float) – The pair distance.
sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys( = {‘transform’_ )
describer_type(_ = ‘site_ )
transform_one(structure: Structure)
- Parameters structure (Structure) – Pymatgen Structure object.
class maml.describers.BispectrumCoefficients(rcutfac: float, twojmax: int, element_profile: dict, quadratic: bool = False, pot_fit: bool = False, include_stress: bool = False, feature_batch: str = ‘pandas_concat’, **kwargs)
Bases: BaseDescriber
Bispectrum coefficients to describe the local environment of each atom. Lammps is required to perform this computation.
Reference: @article{bartok2010gaussian,
title={Gaussian approximation potentials: The
accuracy of quantum mechanics, without the electrons},
author={Bart{‘o}k, Albert P and Payne, Mike C
and Kondor, Risi and Cs{'a}nyi, G{'a}bor},
journal={Physical review letters}, volume={104}, number={13}, pages={136403}, year={2010}, publisher={APS}}
abc_impl( = <_abc.abc_data object )
sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys( = {‘transform’_ )
describer_type(_ = ‘site_ )
property feature_dim(: int | Non )
Bispectrum feature dimension.
property subscripts(: lis )
The subscripts (2j1, 2j2, 2j) of all bispectrum components involved.
transform_one(structure: Structure)
- Parameters structure (Structure) – Pymatgen Structure object.
class maml.describers.CoulombEigenSpectrum(max_atoms: int | None = None, **kwargs)
Bases: BaseDescriber
Get the Coulomb Eigen Spectrum describers.
Reference: @article{rupp2012fast,
title={Fast and accurate modeling of molecular
atomization energies with machine learning},
author={Rupp, Matthias and Tkatchenko, Alexandre and M{“u}ller,
Klaus-Robert and Von Lilienfeld, O Anatole},
journal={Physical review letters}, volume={108}, number={5}, pages={058301}, year={2012}, publisher={APS}}
abc_impl( = <_abc.abc_data object )
sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys( = {‘transform’_ )
describer_type(_ = ‘structure_ )
transform_one(mol: Molecule)
- Parameters mol (Molecule) – pymatgen molecule.
Returns: np.ndarray the eigen value vectors of Coulob matrix
class maml.describers.CoulombMatrix(random_seed: int | None = None, max_atoms: int | None = None, is_ravel: bool = True, **kwargs)
Bases: BaseDescriber
Coulomb Matrix to describe structure.
Reference: @article{rupp2012fast,
title={Fast and accurate modeling of molecular
atomization energies with machine learning},
author={Rupp, Matthias and Tkatchenko, Alexandre and M{“u}ller,
Klaus-Robert and Von Lilienfeld, O Anatole},
journal={Physical review letters}, volume={108}, number={5}, pages={058301}, year={2012}, publisher={APS}}
abc_impl( = <_abc.abc_data object )
static _get_columb_mat(s: Molecule | Structure)
- Parameters s (Molecule/Structure) – input Molecule or Structure. Structure is not advised since the feature will depend on the supercell size.
- Returns Coulomb matrix of the structure
sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys( = {‘transform’_ )
describer_type(_ = ‘structure_ )
get_coulomb_mat(s: Molecule | Structure)
- Parameters s (Molecule/Structure) – input Molecule or Structure. Structure is not advised since the feature will depend on the supercell size
- Returns Coulomb matrix of the structure.
transform_one(s: Molecule | Structure)
- Parameters s (Molecule/Structure) – pymatgen Molecule or Structure, Structure is not advised since the features will depend on supercell size.
- Returns pandas.DataFrame. The column is index of the structure, which is 0 for single input df[0] returns the serials of coulomb_mat raval
class maml.describers.DistinctSiteProperty(properties: list[str], symprec: float = 0.1, wyckoffs: list[str] | None = None, feature_batch: str = ‘pandas_concat’, **kwargs)
Bases: BaseDescriber
Constructs a describers based on properties of distinct sites in a structure. For now, this assumes that there is only one type of species in a particular Wyckoff site.
Reference: @article{ye2018deep,
title={Deep neural networks for accurate predictions of crystal stability}, author={Ye, Weike and Chen, Chi and Wang, Zhenbin and
Chu, Iek-Heng and Ong, Shyue Ping}, journal={Nature communications}, volume={9}, number={1}, pages={1–6}, year={2018}, publisher={Nature Publishing Group}}
abc_impl( = <_abc.abc_data object )
sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys( = {‘transform’_ )
describer_type(_ = ‘structure_ )
supported_properties(_ = [‘mendeleev_no’, ‘electrical_resistivity’, ‘velocity_of_sound’, ‘reflectivity’, ‘refractive_index’, ‘poissons_ratio’, ‘molar_volume’, ‘thermal_conductivity’, ‘boiling_point’, ‘melting_point’, ‘critical_temperature’, ‘superconduction_temperature’, ‘liquid_range’, ‘bulk_modulus’, ‘youngs_modulus’, ‘brinell_hardness’, ‘rigidity_modulus’, ‘mineral_hardness’, ‘vickers_hardness’, ‘density_of_solid’, ‘atomic_radius_calculated’, ‘van_der_waals_radius’, ‘coefficient_of_linear_thermal_expansion’, ‘ground_state_term_symbol’, ‘valence’, ‘Z’, ‘X’, ‘atomic_mass’, ‘block’, ‘row’, ‘group’, ‘atomic_radius’, ‘average_ionic_radius’, ‘average_cationic_radius’, ‘average_anionic_radius’, ‘metallic_radius’, ‘ionic_radii’, ‘oxi_state’, ‘max_oxidation_state’, ‘min_oxidation_state’, ‘is_transition_metal’, ‘is_alkali’, ‘is_alkaline’, ‘is_chalcogen’, ‘is_halogen’, ‘is_lanthanoid’, ‘is_metal’, ‘is_metalloid’, ‘is_noble_gas’, ‘is_post_transition_metal’, ‘is_quadrupolar’, ‘is_rare_earth_metal’, ‘is_actinoid’_ )
transform_one(structure: Structure)
- Parameters structure (pymatgen Structure) – pymatgen structure for descriptor computation.
- Returns pd.DataFrame that contains the distinct position labeled features
class maml.describers.ElementProperty(*args, **kwargs)
Bases: BaseDescriber
Class to calculate elemental property attributes.
To initialize quickly, use the from_preset() method.
Features: Based on the statistics of the data_source chosen, computed by element stoichiometry. The format generally is:
“{data source} {statistic} {property}”
For example:
“PymetgenData range X” # Range of electronegativity from Pymatgen data
For a list of all statistics, see the PropertyStats documentation; for a list of all attributes available for a given data_source, see the documentation for the data sources (e.g., PymatgenData, MagpieData, MatscholarElementData, etc.).
- Parameters
- data_source (AbstractData* or *str) – source from which to retrieve element property data (or use str for preset: “pymatgen”, “magpie”, or “deml”)
- features (list* of *strings) – List of elemental properties to use (these must be supported by data_source)
- stats (list* of *strings) – a list of weighted statistics to compute to for each property (see PropertyStats for available stats)
abc_impl( = <_abc.abc_data object )
classmethod _get_param_names()
Get parameter names for the estimator
sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys( = {‘transform’_ )
describer_type(_ = ‘composition_ )
classmethod from_preset(name: str, **kwargs)
Wrap matminer_wrapper’s from_preset function.
Get parameters for this estimator.
- Parameters deep (bool*, *default=True) – If True, will return the parameters for this estimator and contained subobjects that are estimators.
- Returns params – Parameter names mapped to their values.
- Return type dict
transform_one(obj: Any)
Featurize to transform_one.
class maml.describers.ElementStats(element_properties: dict, stats: list[str] | None = None, property_names: list[str] | None = None, feature_batch: str = ‘pandas_concat’, **kwargs)
Bases: BaseDescriber
Element statistics. The allowed stats are accessed via ALLOWED_STATS class attributes. If the stats have multiple parameters, the positional arguments are separated by ::, e.g., moment::1::None.
ALLOWED_STATS(_ = [‘max’, ‘min’, ‘range’, ‘mode’, ‘mean_absolute_deviation’, ‘mean_absolute_error’, ‘moment’, ‘mean’, ‘inverse_mean’, ‘average’, ‘std’, ‘skewness’, ‘kurtosis’, ‘geometric_mean’, ‘power_mean’, ‘shifted_geometric_mean’, ‘harmonic_mean’_ )
AVAILABLE_DATA(_ = [‘megnet_1’, ‘megnet_3’, ‘megnet_l2’, ‘megnet_ion_l2’, ‘megnet_l3’, ‘megnet_ion_l3’, ‘megnet_l4’, ‘megnet_ion_l4’, ‘megnet_l8’, ‘megnet_ion_l8’, ‘megnet_l16’, ‘megnet_ion_l16’, ‘megnet_l32’, ‘megnet_ion_l32’_ )
abc_impl( = <_abc.abc_data object )
static _reduce_dimension(element_properties, property_names, num_dim: int | None = None, reduction_algo: str | None = ‘pca’, reduction_params: dict | None = None)
Reduce the feature dimension by reduction_algo.
- Parameters
- element_properties (dict) – dictionary of elemental/specie propeprties
- property_names (list) – list of property names
- num_dim (int) – number of dimension to keep
- reduction_algo (str) – algorithm for dimensional reduction, currently support pca, kpca
- reduction_params (dict) – kwargs for reduction algorithm
Returns: new element_properties and property_names
sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys( = {‘transform’_ )
describer_type(_ = ‘composition_ )
classmethod from_data(data_name: list[str] | str, stats: list[str] | None = None, **kwargs)
ElementalStats from existing data file.
- Parameters
- data_name (str* of list of *str) – data name. Current supported data are available from ElementStats.AVAILABLE_DATA
- stats (list) – list of stats, use ElementStats.ALLOWED_STATS to check available stats
- **kwargs – Passthrough to class init.
Returns: ElementStats instance
classmethod from_file(filename: str, stats: list[str] | None = None, **kwargs)
ElementStats from a json file of element property dictionary.
The keys required are:
element_properties property_names
- Parameters
- filename (str) – filename
- stats (list) – list of stats, check ElementStats.ALLOWED_STATS for supported stats. The stats that support additional Keyword args, use ‘:’ to separate the args. For example, ‘moment:0:None’ will calculate moment stats with order=0, and max_order=None.
- **kwargs – Passthrough to class init.
Returns: ElementStats class
transform_one(obj: Structure | str | Composition)
Transform one object, the object can be string, Compostion or Structure.
- Parameters obj (str/Composition/Structure) – object to transform
Returns: pd.DataFrame with property names as column names
class maml.describers.M3GNetStructure(model_path: str | None = None, **kwargs)
Bases: BaseDescriber
abc_impl( = <_abc.abc_data object )
sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys( = {‘transform’_ )
transform_one(structure: Structure | Molecule)
Transform structure/molecule objects into features :param structure: target object structure or molecule :type structure: Structure/Molecule
Returns: np.array features.
class maml.describers.MEGNetSite(name: str | object | None = None, level: int | None = None, **kwargs)
Bases: BaseDescriber
Use megnet pre-trained models as featurizer to get atomic features.
Reference: @article{chen2019graph,title={Graph networks as a universal machine
learning framework for molecules and crystals}, author={Chen, Chi and Ye, Weike and Zuo, Yunxing and
Zheng, Chen and Ong, Shyue Ping},
journal={Chemistry of Materials}, volume={31}, number={9}, pages={3564–3572}, year={2019},publisher={ACS Publications}}
abc_impl( = <_abc.abc_data object )
sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys( = {‘transform’_ )
describer_type(_ = ‘site_ )
transform_one(obj: Structure | Molecule)
Get megnet site features from structure object.
- Parameters obj (structure* or *molecule) – pymatgen structure or molecules
class maml.describers.MEGNetStructure(name: str | object | None = None, mode: str = ‘site_stats’, level: int | None = None, stats: list | None = None, **kwargs)
Bases: BaseDescriber
Use megnet pre-trained models as featurizer to get structural features. There are two methods to get structural descriptors from megnet models.
‘site_stats’: Calculate the site features, and then use maml.utils.stats to compute the feature-wise
statistics. This requires the specification of level
‘site_readout’: Use the atomic features at the readout stage
‘final’: Use the concatenated atom, bond and global features
Reference: @article{chen2019graph,title={Graph networks as a universal machine
learning framework for molecules and crystals}, author={Chen, Chi and Ye, Weike and Zuo, Yunxing and
Zheng, Chen and Ong, Shyue Ping},
journal={Chemistry of Materials}, volume={31}, number={9}, pages={3564–3572}, year={2019},publisher={ACS Publications}}
abc_impl( = <_abc.abc_data object )
sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys( = {‘transform’_ )
describer_type(_ = ‘structure_ )
transform_one(obj: Structure | Molecule)
Transform structure/molecule objects into features :param obj: target object structure or molecule. :type obj: Structure/Molecule
Returns: pd.DataFrame features
class maml.describers.RadialDistributionFunction(r_min: float = 0.0, r_max: float = 10.0, n_grid: int = 101, sigma: float = 0.0)
Bases: object
Calculator for radial distribution function.
static _get_specie_density(structure: Structure)
get_site_coordination(structure: Structure)
Get site wise coordination :param structure: pymatgen Structure. :type structure: Structure
Returns: r, cns where cns is a list of dictionary with specie_pair: pair_cn key:value pairs
get_site_rdf(structure: Structure)
- Parameters structure (Structure) – pymatgen structure
- Returns r, rdfs, r is the radial points, and rdfs are a list of rdf dicts rdfs[0] is the rdfs of the first site. It is a dictionary of {atom_pair: pair_rdf} e.g.,
{“Sr:O”: [0, 0, 0.1, 0.2, ..]}.
get_species_coordination(structure: Structure, ref_species: list | None = None, species: list | None = None)
Get specie-wise coordination number :param structure: target structure :type structure: Structure :param ref_species: the reference species.
The rdfs are calculated with these species at the center
- Parameters species (list* of species or *just single specie str) – the species that we are interested in. The rdfs are calculated on these species.
get_species_rdf(structure: Structure, ref_species: list | None = None, species: list | None = None)
Get specie-wise rdf :param structure: target structure :type structure: Structure :param ref_species: the reference species.
The rdfs are calculated with these species at the center
- Parameters species (list* of species or *just single specie str) – the species that we are interested in. The rdfs are calculated on these species.
class maml.describers.RandomizedCoulombMatrix(random_seed: int | None = None, is_ravel: bool = True, **kwargs)
Bases: CoulombMatrix
Randomized CoulombMatrix.
Reference: @article{montavon2013machine,
title={Machine learning of molecular electronic properties
in chemical compound space},
author={Montavon, Gr{‘e}goire and Rupp, Matthias and Gobre,
Vivekanand and Vazquez-Mayagoitia, Alvaro and Hansen, Katja and Tkatchenko, Alexandre and M{"u}ller, Klaus-Robert and Von Lilienfeld, O Anatole},
journal={New Journal of Physics}, volume={15}, number={9},pages={095003}, year={2013},publisher={IOP Publishing}}
abc_impl( = <_abc.abc_data object )
sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys( = {‘transform’_ )
describer_type(_ = ‘structure_ )
get_randomized_coulomb_mat(s: Molecule | Structure)
Returns the randomized matrix (i) take an arbitrary valid Coulomb matrix C (ii) compute the norm of each row of this Coulomb matrix: row_norms (iii) draw a zero-mean unit-variance noise vector ε of the same
size as row_norms.
- permute the rows and columns of C with the same permutation
that sorts row_norms + ε.
- Parameters s (Molecule/Structure) – pymatgen Molecule or Structure, Structure is not advised since the features will depend on supercell size
- Returns pd.DataFrame randomized Coulomb matrix
transform_one(s: Molecule | Structure)
Transform one structure to descriptors :param s: pymatgen Molecule or Structure, Structure is not
advised since the features will depend on supercell size.
Returns: pandas dataframe descriptors
class maml.describers.SiteElementProperty(feature_dict: dict | None = None, output_weights: bool = False, **kwargs)
Bases: BaseDescriber
Site specie property describers. For a structure or composition, return an unordered set of site specie properties.
abc_impl( = <_abc.abc_data object )
static _get_keys(c: Composition)
sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys( = {‘transform’_ )
describer_type(_ = ‘site_ )
property feature_dim()
Feature dimension.
transform_one(obj: str | Composition | Structure | Molecule)
Transform one object to features.
- Parameters obj (str/Composition/Structure/Molecule) – object to transform
- Returns features array
class maml.describers.SmoothOverlapAtomicPosition(cutoff: float, l_max: int = 8, n_max: int = 8, atom_sigma: float = 0.5, feature_batch: str = ‘pandas_concat’, **kwargs)
Bases: BaseDescriber
Smooth overlap of atomic positions (SOAP) to describe the local environment of each atom.
Reference: @article{bartok2013representing,
title={On representing chemical environments}, author={Bart{‘o}k, Albert P and Kondor, Risi and Cs{‘a}nyi, G{‘a}bor}, journal={Physical Review B}, volume={87}, number={18}, pages={184115}, year={2013}, publisher={APS}}
abc_impl( = <_abc.abc_data object )
sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys( = {‘transform’_ )
describer_type(_ = ‘site_ )
transform_one(structure: Structure)
- Parameters structure (Structure) – Pymatgen Structure object.
class maml.describers.SortedCoulombMatrix(random_seed: int | None = None, is_ravel: bool = True, **kwargs)
Bases: CoulombMatrix
Sorted CoulombMatrix.
Reference: @inproceedings{montavon2012learning,
title={Learning invariant representations
of molecules for atomization energy prediction},
author={Montavon, Gr{‘e}goire and Hansen, Katja
and Fazli, Siamac and Rupp, Matthias and Biegler, Franziska and Ziehe, Andreas and Tkatchenko, Alexandre and Lilienfeld, Anatole V and M{"u}ller, Klaus-Robert},
booktitle={Advances in neural information processing systems}, pages={440–448}, year={2012}}
abc_impl( = <_abc.abc_data object )
sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys( = {‘transform’_ )
describer_type(_ = ‘structure_ )
get_sorted_coulomb_mat(s: Molecule | Structure)
Returns the matrix sorted by the row norm.
- Parameters s (Molecule/Structure) – pymatgen Molecule or Structure, Structure is not advised since the features will depend on supercell size
- Returns pd.DataFrame, sorted Coulomb matrix
transform_one(s: Molecule | Structure)
Transform one structure into descriptor :param s: pymatgen Molecule or Structure, Structure is not
advised since the features will depend on supercell size.
Returns: pd.DataFrame descriptors
maml.describers.wrap_matminer_describer(cls_name: str, wrapped_class: Any, obj_conversion: Callable, describer_type: Any | None = None)
Wrapper of matminer_wrapper describers.
- Parameters
- cls_name (str) – new class name
- wrapped_class (class object) – matminer_wrapper BaseFeaturizer
- obj_conversion (callable) – function to convert objects into desired object type within transform_one
- describer_type (object) – object type.
Returns: maml describers class
maml.describers._composition module
Compositional describers.
class maml.describers._composition.ElementStats(element_properties: dict, stats: list[str] | None = None, property_names: list[str] | None = None, feature_batch: str = ‘pandas_concat’, **kwargs)
Bases: BaseDescriber
Element statistics. The allowed stats are accessed via ALLOWED_STATS class attributes. If the stats have multiple parameters, the positional arguments are separated by ::, e.g., moment::1::None.
ALLOWED_STATS(_ = [‘max’, ‘min’, ‘range’, ‘mode’, ‘mean_absolute_deviation’, ‘mean_absolute_error’, ‘moment’, ‘mean’, ‘inverse_mean’, ‘average’, ‘std’, ‘skewness’, ‘kurtosis’, ‘geometric_mean’, ‘power_mean’, ‘shifted_geometric_mean’, ‘harmonic_mean’_ )
AVAILABLE_DATA(_ = [‘megnet_1’, ‘megnet_3’, ‘megnet_l2’, ‘megnet_ion_l2’, ‘megnet_l3’, ‘megnet_ion_l3’, ‘megnet_l4’, ‘megnet_ion_l4’, ‘megnet_l8’, ‘megnet_ion_l8’, ‘megnet_l16’, ‘megnet_ion_l16’, ‘megnet_l32’, ‘megnet_ion_l32’_ )
abc_impl( = <_abc.abc_data object )
static _reduce_dimension(element_properties, property_names, num_dim: int | None = None, reduction_algo: str | None = ‘pca’, reduction_params: dict | None = None)
Reduce the feature dimension by reduction_algo.
- Parameters
- element_properties (dict) – dictionary of elemental/specie propeprties
- property_names (list) – list of property names
- num_dim (int) – number of dimension to keep
- reduction_algo (str) – algorithm for dimensional reduction, currently support pca, kpca
- reduction_params (dict) – kwargs for reduction algorithm
Returns: new element_properties and property_names
sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys( = {‘transform’_ )
describer_type(_ = ‘composition_ )
classmethod from_data(data_name: list[str] | str, stats: list[str] | None = None, **kwargs)
ElementalStats from existing data file.
- Parameters
- data_name (str* of list of *str) – data name. Current supported data are available from ElementStats.AVAILABLE_DATA
- stats (list) – list of stats, use ElementStats.ALLOWED_STATS to check available stats
- **kwargs – Passthrough to class init.
Returns: ElementStats instance
classmethod from_file(filename: str, stats: list[str] | None = None, **kwargs)
ElementStats from a json file of element property dictionary.
The keys required are:
element_properties property_names
- Parameters
- filename (str) – filename
- stats (list) – list of stats, check ElementStats.ALLOWED_STATS for supported stats. The stats that support additional Keyword args, use ‘:’ to separate the args. For example, ‘moment:0:None’ will calculate moment stats with order=0, and max_order=None.
- **kwargs – Passthrough to class init.
Returns: ElementStats class
transform_one(obj: Structure | str | Composition)
Transform one object, the object can be string, Compostion or Structure.
- Parameters obj (str/Composition/Structure) – object to transform
Returns: pd.DataFrame with property names as column names
maml.describers._composition._is_element_or_specie(s: str)
maml.describers._composition._keys_are_elements(dic: dict)
maml.describers._m3gnet module
class maml.describers._m3gnet.M3GNetStructure(model_path: str | None = None, **kwargs)
Bases: BaseDescriber
abc_impl( = <_abc.abc_data object )
sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys( = {‘transform’_ )
transform_one(structure: Structure | Molecule)
Transform structure/molecule objects into features :param structure: target object structure or molecule :type structure: Structure/Molecule
Returns: np.array features.
maml.describers._matminer module
Wrapper for matminer_wrapper featurizers.
maml.describers._matminer.wrap_matminer_describer(cls_name: str, wrapped_class: Any, obj_conversion: Callable, describer_type: Any | None = None)
Wrapper of matminer_wrapper describers.
- Parameters
- cls_name (str) – new class name
- wrapped_class (class object) – matminer_wrapper BaseFeaturizer
- obj_conversion (callable) – function to convert objects into desired object type within transform_one
- describer_type (object) – object type.
Returns: maml describers class
maml.describers._megnet module
MEGNet-based describers.
exception maml.describers._megnet.MEGNetNotFound()
Bases: Exception
MEGNet not found exception.
class maml.describers._megnet.MEGNetSite(name: str | object | None = None, level: int | None = None, **kwargs)
Bases: BaseDescriber
Use megnet pre-trained models as featurizer to get atomic features.
Reference: @article{chen2019graph,title={Graph networks as a universal machine
learning framework for molecules and crystals}, author={Chen, Chi and Ye, Weike and Zuo, Yunxing and
Zheng, Chen and Ong, Shyue Ping},
journal={Chemistry of Materials}, volume={31}, number={9}, pages={3564–3572}, year={2019},publisher={ACS Publications}}
abc_impl( = <_abc.abc_data object )
sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys( = {‘transform’_ )
describer_type(_ = ‘site_ )
transform_one(obj: Structure | Molecule)
Get megnet site features from structure object.
- Parameters obj (structure* or *molecule) – pymatgen structure or molecules
class maml.describers._megnet.MEGNetStructure(name: str | object | None = None, mode: str = ‘site_stats’, level: int | None = None, stats: list | None = None, **kwargs)
Bases: BaseDescriber
Use megnet pre-trained models as featurizer to get structural features. There are two methods to get structural descriptors from megnet models.
‘site_stats’: Calculate the site features, and then use maml.utils.stats to compute the feature-wise
statistics. This requires the specification of level
‘site_readout’: Use the atomic features at the readout stage
‘final’: Use the concatenated atom, bond and global features
Reference: @article{chen2019graph,title={Graph networks as a universal machine
learning framework for molecules and crystals}, author={Chen, Chi and Ye, Weike and Zuo, Yunxing and
Zheng, Chen and Ong, Shyue Ping},
journal={Chemistry of Materials}, volume={31}, number={9}, pages={3564–3572}, year={2019},publisher={ACS Publications}}
abc_impl( = <_abc.abc_data object )
sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys( = {‘transform’_ )
describer_type(_ = ‘structure_ )
transform_one(obj: Structure | Molecule)
Transform structure/molecule objects into features :param obj: target object structure or molecule. :type obj: Structure/Molecule
Returns: pd.DataFrame features
maml.describers._megnet._load_model(name: str | object | None = None)
maml.describers._rdf module
Radial distribution functions for site features. This was originally written in pymatgen-diffusion.
class maml.describers._rdf.RadialDistributionFunction(r_min: float = 0.0, r_max: float = 10.0, n_grid: int = 101, sigma: float = 0.0)
Bases: object
Calculator for radial distribution function.
static _get_specie_density(structure: Structure)
get_site_coordination(structure: Structure)
Get site wise coordination :param structure: pymatgen Structure. :type structure: Structure
Returns: r, cns where cns is a list of dictionary with specie_pair: pair_cn key:value pairs
get_site_rdf(structure: Structure)
- Parameters structure (Structure) – pymatgen structure
- Returns r, rdfs, r is the radial points, and rdfs are a list of rdf dicts rdfs[0] is the rdfs of the first site. It is a dictionary of {atom_pair: pair_rdf} e.g.,
{“Sr:O”: [0, 0, 0.1, 0.2, ..]}.
get_species_coordination(structure: Structure, ref_species: list | None = None, species: list | None = None)
Get specie-wise coordination number :param structure: target structure :type structure: Structure :param ref_species: the reference species.
The rdfs are calculated with these species at the center
- Parameters species (list* of species or *just single specie str) – the species that we are interested in. The rdfs are calculated on these species.
get_species_rdf(structure: Structure, ref_species: list | None = None, species: list | None = None)
Get specie-wise rdf :param structure: target structure :type structure: Structure :param ref_species: the reference species.
The rdfs are calculated with these species at the center
- Parameters species (list* of species or *just single specie str) – the species that we are interested in. The rdfs are calculated on these species.
maml.describers._rdf._dist_to_counts(d: ndarray, r_min: float = 0.0, r_max: float = 8.0, n_grid: int = 100)
Convert a distance array for counts in the bin :param d: distance array :type d: 1D np.ndarray :param r_min: minimal radius :type r_min: float :param r_max: maximum radius :type r_max: float
- Returns 1D array of counts in the bins centered on grid.
maml.describers._rdf.get_pair_distances(structure: Structure, r_max: float = 8.0)
Get pair distances from structure. The output will be a list of of dictionary, for example [{“specie”: “Mo”, “neighbors”: {“S”: [1.0, 2.0, …], “Fe”: [1.2, 3.0, …]}}, {“specie”: “Fe”, “neighbors”: {“Mo”: [1.0, 3.0, …]}}] it will be fairly easy to construct radial distribution func, etc from here.
- Parameters
- structure (Structure) – pymatgen Structure
- r_max (float) – maximum radius to consider
maml.describers._site module
This module provides local environment describers.
class maml.describers._site.BPSymmetryFunctions(cutoff: float, r_etas: ndarray, r_shift: ndarray, a_etas: ndarray, zetas: ndarray, lambdas: ndarray, feature_batch: str = ‘pandas_concat’, **kwargs)
Bases: BaseDescriber
Behler-Parrinello symmetry function to describe the local environment of each atom.
Reference: @article{behler2007generalized,
title={Generalized neural-network representation of
high-dimensional potential-energy surfaces},
author={Behler, J{“o}rg and Parrinello, Michele}, journal={Physical review letters}, volume={98}, number={14}, pages={146401}, year={2007}, publisher={APS}}
abc_impl( = <_abc.abc_data object )
_fc(r: float)
Cutoff function to decay the symmetry functions at vicinity of radial cutoff.
- Parameters r (float) – The pair distance.
sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys( = {‘transform’_ )
describer_type(_ = ‘site_ )
transform_one(structure: Structure)
- Parameters structure (Structure) – Pymatgen Structure object.
class maml.describers._site.BispectrumCoefficients(rcutfac: float, twojmax: int, element_profile: dict, quadratic: bool = False, pot_fit: bool = False, include_stress: bool = False, feature_batch: str = ‘pandas_concat’, **kwargs)
Bases: BaseDescriber
Bispectrum coefficients to describe the local environment of each atom. Lammps is required to perform this computation.
Reference: @article{bartok2010gaussian,
title={Gaussian approximation potentials: The
accuracy of quantum mechanics, without the electrons},
author={Bart{‘o}k, Albert P and Payne, Mike C
and Kondor, Risi and Cs{'a}nyi, G{'a}bor},
journal={Physical review letters}, volume={104}, number={13}, pages={136403}, year={2010}, publisher={APS}}
abc_impl( = <_abc.abc_data object )
sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys( = {‘transform’_ )
describer_type(_ = ‘site_ )
property feature_dim(: int | Non )
Bispectrum feature dimension.
property subscripts(: lis )
The subscripts (2j1, 2j2, 2j) of all bispectrum components involved.
transform_one(structure: Structure)
- Parameters structure (Structure) – Pymatgen Structure object.
class maml.describers._site.MEGNetSite(name: str | object | None = None, level: int | None = None, **kwargs)
Bases: BaseDescriber
Use megnet pre-trained models as featurizer to get atomic features.
Reference: @article{chen2019graph,title={Graph networks as a universal machine
learning framework for molecules and crystals}, author={Chen, Chi and Ye, Weike and Zuo, Yunxing and
Zheng, Chen and Ong, Shyue Ping},
journal={Chemistry of Materials}, volume={31}, number={9}, pages={3564–3572}, year={2019},publisher={ACS Publications}}
abc_impl( = <_abc.abc_data object )
sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys( = {‘transform’_ )
describer_type(_ = ‘site_ )
transform_one(obj: Structure | Molecule)
Get megnet site features from structure object.
- Parameters obj (structure* or *molecule) – pymatgen structure or molecules
class maml.describers._site.SiteElementProperty(feature_dict: dict | None = None, output_weights: bool = False, **kwargs)
Bases: BaseDescriber
Site specie property describers. For a structure or composition, return an unordered set of site specie properties.
abc_impl( = <_abc.abc_data object )
static _get_keys(c: Composition)
sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys( = {‘transform’_ )
describer_type(_ = ‘site_ )
property feature_dim()
Feature dimension.
transform_one(obj: str | Composition | Structure | Molecule)
Transform one object to features.
- Parameters obj (str/Composition/Structure/Molecule) – object to transform
- Returns features array
class maml.describers._site.SmoothOverlapAtomicPosition(cutoff: float, l_max: int = 8, n_max: int = 8, atom_sigma: float = 0.5, feature_batch: str = ‘pandas_concat’, **kwargs)
Bases: BaseDescriber
Smooth overlap of atomic positions (SOAP) to describe the local environment of each atom.
Reference: @article{bartok2013representing,
title={On representing chemical environments}, author={Bart{‘o}k, Albert P and Kondor, Risi and Cs{‘a}nyi, G{‘a}bor}, journal={Physical Review B}, volume={87}, number={18}, pages={184115}, year={2013}, publisher={APS}}
abc_impl( = <_abc.abc_data object )
sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys( = {‘transform’_ )
describer_type(_ = ‘site_ )
transform_one(structure: Structure)
- Parameters structure (Structure) – Pymatgen Structure object.
maml.describers._spectrum module
Spectrum describers.
maml.describers._structure module
Structure-wise describers. These describers include structural information.
class maml.describers._structure.CoulombEigenSpectrum(max_atoms: int | None = None, **kwargs)
Bases: BaseDescriber
Get the Coulomb Eigen Spectrum describers.
Reference: @article{rupp2012fast,
title={Fast and accurate modeling of molecular
atomization energies with machine learning},
author={Rupp, Matthias and Tkatchenko, Alexandre and M{“u}ller,
Klaus-Robert and Von Lilienfeld, O Anatole},
journal={Physical review letters}, volume={108}, number={5}, pages={058301}, year={2012}, publisher={APS}}
abc_impl( = <_abc.abc_data object )
sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys( = {‘transform’_ )
describer_type(_ = ‘structure_ )
transform_one(mol: Molecule)
- Parameters mol (Molecule) – pymatgen molecule.
Returns: np.ndarray the eigen value vectors of Coulob matrix
class maml.describers._structure.CoulombMatrix(random_seed: int | None = None, max_atoms: int | None = None, is_ravel: bool = True, **kwargs)
Bases: BaseDescriber
Coulomb Matrix to describe structure.
Reference: @article{rupp2012fast,
title={Fast and accurate modeling of molecular
atomization energies with machine learning},
author={Rupp, Matthias and Tkatchenko, Alexandre and M{“u}ller,
Klaus-Robert and Von Lilienfeld, O Anatole},
journal={Physical review letters}, volume={108}, number={5}, pages={058301}, year={2012}, publisher={APS}}
abc_impl( = <_abc.abc_data object )
static _get_columb_mat(s: Molecule | Structure)
- Parameters s (Molecule/Structure) – input Molecule or Structure. Structure is not advised since the feature will depend on the supercell size.
- Returns Coulomb matrix of the structure
sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys( = {‘transform’_ )
describer_type(_ = ‘structure_ )
get_coulomb_mat(s: Molecule | Structure)
- Parameters s (Molecule/Structure) – input Molecule or Structure. Structure is not advised since the feature will depend on the supercell size
- Returns Coulomb matrix of the structure.
transform_one(s: Molecule | Structure)
- Parameters s (Molecule/Structure) – pymatgen Molecule or Structure, Structure is not advised since the features will depend on supercell size.
- Returns pandas.DataFrame. The column is index of the structure, which is 0 for single input df[0] returns the serials of coulomb_mat raval
class maml.describers._structure.DistinctSiteProperty(properties: list[str], symprec: float = 0.1, wyckoffs: list[str] | None = None, feature_batch: str = ‘pandas_concat’, **kwargs)
Bases: BaseDescriber
Constructs a describers based on properties of distinct sites in a structure. For now, this assumes that there is only one type of species in a particular Wyckoff site.
Reference: @article{ye2018deep,
title={Deep neural networks for accurate predictions of crystal stability}, author={Ye, Weike and Chen, Chi and Wang, Zhenbin and
Chu, Iek-Heng and Ong, Shyue Ping}, journal={Nature communications}, volume={9}, number={1}, pages={1–6}, year={2018}, publisher={Nature Publishing Group}}
abc_impl( = <_abc.abc_data object )
sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys( = {‘transform’_ )
describer_type(_ = ‘structure_ )
supported_properties(_ = [‘mendeleev_no’, ‘electrical_resistivity’, ‘velocity_of_sound’, ‘reflectivity’, ‘refractive_index’, ‘poissons_ratio’, ‘molar_volume’, ‘thermal_conductivity’, ‘boiling_point’, ‘melting_point’, ‘critical_temperature’, ‘superconduction_temperature’, ‘liquid_range’, ‘bulk_modulus’, ‘youngs_modulus’, ‘brinell_hardness’, ‘rigidity_modulus’, ‘mineral_hardness’, ‘vickers_hardness’, ‘density_of_solid’, ‘atomic_radius_calculated’, ‘van_der_waals_radius’, ‘coefficient_of_linear_thermal_expansion’, ‘ground_state_term_symbol’, ‘valence’, ‘Z’, ‘X’, ‘atomic_mass’, ‘block’, ‘row’, ‘group’, ‘atomic_radius’, ‘average_ionic_radius’, ‘average_cationic_radius’, ‘average_anionic_radius’, ‘metallic_radius’, ‘ionic_radii’, ‘oxi_state’, ‘max_oxidation_state’, ‘min_oxidation_state’, ‘is_transition_metal’, ‘is_alkali’, ‘is_alkaline’, ‘is_chalcogen’, ‘is_halogen’, ‘is_lanthanoid’, ‘is_metal’, ‘is_metalloid’, ‘is_noble_gas’, ‘is_post_transition_metal’, ‘is_quadrupolar’, ‘is_rare_earth_metal’, ‘is_actinoid’_ )
transform_one(structure: Structure)
- Parameters structure (pymatgen Structure) – pymatgen structure for descriptor computation.
- Returns pd.DataFrame that contains the distinct position labeled features
class maml.describers._structure.RandomizedCoulombMatrix(random_seed: int | None = None, is_ravel: bool = True, **kwargs)
Bases: CoulombMatrix
Randomized CoulombMatrix.
Reference: @article{montavon2013machine,
title={Machine learning of molecular electronic properties
in chemical compound space},
author={Montavon, Gr{‘e}goire and Rupp, Matthias and Gobre,
Vivekanand and Vazquez-Mayagoitia, Alvaro and Hansen, Katja and Tkatchenko, Alexandre and M{"u}ller, Klaus-Robert and Von Lilienfeld, O Anatole},
journal={New Journal of Physics}, volume={15}, number={9},pages={095003}, year={2013},publisher={IOP Publishing}}
abc_impl( = <_abc.abc_data object )
sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys( = {‘transform’_ )
describer_type(_ = ‘structure_ )
get_randomized_coulomb_mat(s: Molecule | Structure)
Returns the randomized matrix (i) take an arbitrary valid Coulomb matrix C (ii) compute the norm of each row of this Coulomb matrix: row_norms (iii) draw a zero-mean unit-variance noise vector ε of the same
size as row_norms.
- permute the rows and columns of C with the same permutation
that sorts row_norms + ε.
- Parameters s (Molecule/Structure) – pymatgen Molecule or Structure, Structure is not advised since the features will depend on supercell size
- Returns pd.DataFrame randomized Coulomb matrix
transform_one(s: Molecule | Structure)
Transform one structure to descriptors :param s: pymatgen Molecule or Structure, Structure is not
advised since the features will depend on supercell size.
Returns: pandas dataframe descriptors
class maml.describers._structure.SortedCoulombMatrix(random_seed: int | None = None, is_ravel: bool = True, **kwargs)
Bases: CoulombMatrix
Sorted CoulombMatrix.
Reference: @inproceedings{montavon2012learning,
title={Learning invariant representations
of molecules for atomization energy prediction},
author={Montavon, Gr{‘e}goire and Hansen, Katja
and Fazli, Siamac and Rupp, Matthias and Biegler, Franziska and Ziehe, Andreas and Tkatchenko, Alexandre and Lilienfeld, Anatole V and M{"u}ller, Klaus-Robert},
booktitle={Advances in neural information processing systems}, pages={440–448}, year={2012}}
abc_impl( = <_abc.abc_data object )
sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys( = {‘transform’_ )
describer_type(_ = ‘structure_ )
get_sorted_coulomb_mat(s: Molecule | Structure)
Returns the matrix sorted by the row norm.
- Parameters s (Molecule/Structure) – pymatgen Molecule or Structure, Structure is not advised since the features will depend on supercell size
- Returns pd.DataFrame, sorted Coulomb matrix
transform_one(s: Molecule | Structure)
Transform one structure into descriptor :param s: pymatgen Molecule or Structure, Structure is not
advised since the features will depend on supercell size.
Returns: pd.DataFrame descriptors