maml.apps.symbolic package
Symbolic learning.
class maml.apps.symbolic.AdaptiveLasso(lambd, gamma, **kwargs)
Bases: PenalizedLeastSquares
Adaptive lasso regression using OLS coefficients as the root-n estimator coefficients.
_penalty_jac(x, y, beta)
get_w(x, y)
Get adaptive weights from data.
- Parameters
- x (np.ndarray) – MxN input data array
- y (np.ndarray) – M output targets
Returns: coefficients array.
penalty(beta: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray | None = None, y: np.ndarray | None = None)
Calculate the penalty from input x, output y and coefficient beta.
- Parameters
- beta (np.ndarray) – N coefficients
- x (np.ndarray) – MxN input data array
- y (np.ndarray) – M output targets
Returns: penalty value.
select(x, y, options=None)
Select feature indices from x.
- Parameters
- x (np.ndarray) – MxN input data array
- y (np.ndarray) – M output targets
- options (dict) – options in the optimizations provided to scipy.optimize.minimize
Returns: list of int indices.
class maml.apps.symbolic.DantzigSelector(lambd, sigma=1.0, **kwargs)
Bases: BaseSelector
Equation 11 in and reference in
construct_constraints(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, beta: np.ndarray | None = None)
Get constraints dictionary from data, e.g., {“func”: lambda beta: fun(x, y, beta), “type”: “ineq”}.
- Parameters
- x (np.ndarray) – MxN input data array
- y (np.ndarray) – M output targets
- beta (np.ndarray) – placeholder
Returns: dict of constraints.
construct_jac(x: ndarray, y: ndarray)
Jacobian of cost functions.
- Parameters
- x – ndarray
- y – ndarray
Returns: callable
construct_loss(x, y, beta)
Get loss function from data and tentative coefficients beta.
- Parameters
- x (np.ndarray) – MxN input data array
- y (np.ndarray) – M output targets
- beta (np.ndarray) – N coefficients
Returns: loss value.
class maml.apps.symbolic.FeatureGenerator(feature_df: pd.DataFrame, operators: list)
Bases: object
FeatureGenerator class for feature augmentation before selection.
augment(n: int = 1)
Augment features :param n: number of rounds of iteration. :type n: int
Returns: augmented dataframe
class maml.apps.symbolic.ISIS(sis: SIS | None = None, l0_regulate: bool = True)
Bases: object
Iterative SIS.
evaluate(x: ndarray, y: ndarray, metric: str = ‘neg_mean_absolute_error’)
Evaluate the linear models using x, and y test data.
- Parameters
- x (np.ndarray) – MxN input data array
- y (np.ndarray) – M output targets
- metric (str) – scorer function, used with sklearn.metrics.get_scorer
Returns: float.
run(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, max_p: int = 10, metric: str = ‘neg_mean_absolute_error’, options: dict | None = None, step: float = 0.5)
Run the ISIS :param x: input array :type x: np.ndarray :param y: target array :type y: np.ndarray :param max_p: Number of feature desired :type max_p: int :param metric: scorer function, used with
- Parameters
- options –
- step (float) – step to update gamma with.
- Returns np.array of index of selected features coeff(np.array): np.array of coeff of selected features
- Return type find_sel(np.array)
class maml.apps.symbolic.L0BrutalForce(lambd: float, **kwargs)
Bases: BaseSelector
Brutal force combinatorial screening of features. This method takes all possible combinations of features and optimize the following loss function
1/2 * mean((y-x @ beta)**2) + lambd *
select(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, options: dict | None = None, n_job: int = 1)
L0 combinatorial optimization.
- Parameters
- x (np.ndarray) – design matrix
- y (np.ndarray) – target vector
- options – Dict of options.
- n_job (int) – number of cpu
class maml.apps.symbolic.Lasso(lambd, **kwargs)
Bases: PenalizedLeastSquares
Simple Lasso regression.
_penalty_jac(x, y, beta)
penalty(beta: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray | None = None, y: np.ndarray | None = None)
Calculate the penalty from input x, output y and coefficient beta.
- Parameters
- beta (np.ndarray) – N coefficients
- x (np.ndarray) – MxN input data array
- y (np.ndarray) – M output targets
Returns: penalty value.
class maml.apps.symbolic.Operator(operation: Callable[[…], Any], rep: str, unary: bool, commutative: bool)
Bases: object
Operator class. Wrap math operators with more attributes including check is_unary, is_binary, and is_commutative, and generate name string for the output.
compute(i1: np.ndarray, i2: np.ndarray | None = None)
Compute the results :param i1: first input array :type i1: np.ndarray :param i2: second input array (for binary operators). :type i2: np.ndarray
Returns: array of computed results
classmethod from_str(op_name: str)
Operator from name of the operator :param op_name: string representation of the operator, :type op_name: str :param check Operator.support_op_rep for reference.:
Returns: Operator
gen_name(f1: str, f2: str | None = None)
Generate string representation for output :param f1: name of the first input array :type f1: str :param f2: name of the second input array. :type f2: str
Returns: name of the output
property is_binary(: boo )
True if the operator takes two arguments else False.
- Type Returns
property is_commutative(: boo )
True if the operator is commutative else False.
- Type Returns
property is_unary(: boo )
True if the operator takes one argument else False.
- Type Returns
support_op_rep(_ = [‘^2’, ‘^3’, ‘sqrt’, ‘abssqrt’, ‘cbrt’, ‘exp’, ‘abs’, ‘log10’, ‘abslog10’, ‘+’, ‘-’, ‘*’, ‘/’, ‘|+|’, ‘|-|’, ‘sum_power_2’, ‘sum_exp’_ )
class maml.apps.symbolic.SCAD(lambd: float | np.ndarray, a: float = 3.7, **kwargs)
Bases: PenalizedLeastSquares
Smoothly clipped absolute deviation (SCAD), equation 12 and 13 in
_penalty_jac(x, y, beta)
penalty(beta: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray | None = None, y: np.ndarray | None = None)
Calculate the SCAD penalty from input x, output y
and coefficient beta
- Parameters
- beta (np.ndarray) – N coefficients
- x (np.ndarray) – MxN input data array
- y (np.ndarray) – M output targets
Returns: penalty value.
class maml.apps.symbolic.SIS(gamma=0.1, selector: BaseSelector | None = None, verbose: bool = True)
Bases: object
Sure independence screening method. The method consists of two steps:
- Screen
- Select.
compute_residual(x, y)
Compute residual :param x: input array :type x: np.ndarray :param y: target array. :type y: np.ndarray
Returns: residual vector
run(x, y, select_options=None)
Run the SIS with selector :param x: MxN input data array :type x: np.ndarray :param y: M output targets :type y: np.ndarray :param select_options: options in the optimizations provided
to scipy.optimize.minimize. If the selector is using cvxpy optimization package, this option is fed into cp.Problem.solve.
Returns: selected feature indices
screen(x, y)
Simple screening method by comparing the correlation between features and the target.
- Parameters
- x (np.ndarray) – input array
- y (np.ndarray) – target array
Returns: top indices
select(x, y, options=None)
Select features using selectors :param x: input array :type x: np.ndarray :param y: target array :type y: np.ndarray :param options: options for the optimization. :type options: dict
Set gamma.
- Parameters gamma (float) – new gamma value
set_selector(selector: BaseSelector)
Set new selector :param selector: a feature selector. :type selector: BaseSelector
update_gamma(ratio: float = 0.5)
Update the sis object so that return at least one feature.
- Parameters ratio (float) – ratio to update the parameters
maml.apps.symbolic._feature_generator module
Feature Generator.
class maml.apps.symbolic._feature_generator.FeatureGenerator(feature_df: pd.DataFrame, operators: list)
Bases: object
FeatureGenerator class for feature augmentation before selection.
augment(n: int = 1)
Augment features :param n: number of rounds of iteration. :type n: int
Returns: augmented dataframe
class maml.apps.symbolic._feature_generator.Operator(operation: Callable[[…], Any], rep: str, unary: bool, commutative: bool)
Bases: object
Operator class. Wrap math operators with more attributes including check is_unary, is_binary, and is_commutative, and generate name string for the output.
compute(i1: np.ndarray, i2: np.ndarray | None = None)
Compute the results :param i1: first input array :type i1: np.ndarray :param i2: second input array (for binary operators). :type i2: np.ndarray
Returns: array of computed results
classmethod from_str(op_name: str)
Operator from name of the operator :param op_name: string representation of the operator, :type op_name: str :param check Operator.support_op_rep for reference.:
Returns: Operator
gen_name(f1: str, f2: str | None = None)
Generate string representation for output :param f1: name of the first input array :type f1: str :param f2: name of the second input array. :type f2: str
Returns: name of the output
property is_binary(: boo )
True if the operator takes two arguments else False.
- Type Returns
property is_commutative(: boo )
True if the operator is commutative else False.
- Type Returns
property is_unary(: boo )
True if the operator takes one argument else False.
- Type Returns
support_op_rep(_ = [‘^2’, ‘^3’, ‘sqrt’, ‘abssqrt’, ‘cbrt’, ‘exp’, ‘abs’, ‘log10’, ‘abslog10’, ‘+’, ‘-’, ‘*’, ‘/’, ‘|+|’, ‘|-|’, ‘sum_power_2’, ‘sum_exp’_ )
maml.apps.symbolic._feature_generator._my_abs_diff(x, y)
maml.apps.symbolic._feature_generator._my_abs_sum(x, y)
maml.apps.symbolic._feature_generator._my_diff(x, y)
maml.apps.symbolic._feature_generator._my_div(x, y)
maml.apps.symbolic._feature_generator._my_mul(x, y)
maml.apps.symbolic._feature_generator._my_power(x: float, n: int)
maml.apps.symbolic._feature_generator._my_sum(x, y)
maml.apps.symbolic._feature_generator._my_sum_exp(x, y)
maml.apps.symbolic._feature_generator._my_sum_power_2(x, y)
maml.apps.symbolic._feature_generator._my_sum_power_3(x, y)
maml.apps.symbolic._feature_generator._update_df(df, op, fn1, fn2=None)
Helper function to update the dataframe with new generated feature array.
maml.apps.symbolic._feature_generator.generate_feature(feature_df: pd.DataFrame, operators: list)
Generate new features by applying operators to columns in feature_df.
- Parameters
- feature_df (pd.DataFrame) – dataframe of original features
- operators (list) – list of str of operators (check Operator.support_op_rep for reference)
Returns: dataframe of augmented features
maml.apps.symbolic._selectors module
class maml.apps.symbolic._selectors.AdaptiveLasso(lambd, gamma, **kwargs)
Bases: PenalizedLeastSquares
Adaptive lasso regression using OLS coefficients as the root-n estimator coefficients.
_penalty_jac(x, y, beta)
get_w(x, y)
Get adaptive weights from data.
- Parameters
- x (np.ndarray) – MxN input data array
- y (np.ndarray) – M output targets
Returns: coefficients array.
penalty(beta: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray | None = None, y: np.ndarray | None = None)
Calculate the penalty from input x, output y and coefficient beta.
- Parameters
- beta (np.ndarray) – N coefficients
- x (np.ndarray) – MxN input data array
- y (np.ndarray) – M output targets
Returns: penalty value.
select(x, y, options=None)
Select feature indices from x.
- Parameters
- x (np.ndarray) – MxN input data array
- y (np.ndarray) – M output targets
- options (dict) – options in the optimizations provided to scipy.optimize.minimize
Returns: list of int indices.
class maml.apps.symbolic._selectors.BaseSelector(coef_thres: float = 1e-06, method: str = ‘SLSQP’)
Bases: object
Feature selector. This is meant to work on relatively smaller number of features.
classmethod _get_param_names()
compute_residual(x: ndarray, y: ndarray)
- Parameters
- x (np.ndarray) – design matrix
- y (np.ndarray) – target vector
Returns: residual vector.
construct_constraints(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, beta: np.ndarray | None = None)
Get constraints dictionary from data, e.g., {“func”: lambda beta: fun(x, y, beta), “type”: “ineq”}.
- Parameters
- x (np.ndarray) – MxN input data array
- y (np.ndarray) – M output targets
- beta (np.ndarray) – parameter to optimize
Returns: dict of constraints.
construct_jac(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray)
Jacobian of cost function :param x: MxN input data array :type x: np.ndarray :param y: M output targets :type y: np.ndarray
Returns: Jacobian function.
construct_loss(x: ndarray, y: ndarray, beta: ndarray)
Get loss function from data and tentative coefficients beta :param x: MxN input data array :type x: np.ndarray :param y: M output targets :type y: np.ndarray :param beta: N coefficients :type beta: np.ndarray
Returns: loss value.
evaluate(x: ndarray, y: ndarray, metric: str = ‘neg_mean_absolute_error’)
Evaluate the linear models using x, and y test data.
- Parameters
- x (np.ndarray) – MxN input data array
- y (np.ndarray) – M output targets
- metric (str) – scorer function, used with sklearn.metrics.get_scorer
Get coefficients Returns: the coefficients array.
Get selected feature indices.
Returns: ndarray
Get params for this selector.
Returns: mapping of string to any
parameter names mapped to their values
predict(x: ndarray)
Predict the results using sparsified coefficients.
- Parameters x (np.ndarray) – design matrix
Returns: ndarray
select(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, options: dict | None = None)
Select feature indices from x :param x: MxN input data array :type x: np.ndarray :param y: M output targets :type y: np.ndarray :param options: options in the optimizations provided
to scipy.optimize.minimize
Returns: list of int indices.
Set the parameters of this selector :param **params: dict :param Selector parameters.:
- Returns selector instance
- Return type self
class maml.apps.symbolic._selectors.DantzigSelector(lambd, sigma=1.0, **kwargs)
Bases: BaseSelector
Equation 11 in and reference in
construct_constraints(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, beta: np.ndarray | None = None)
Get constraints dictionary from data, e.g., {“func”: lambda beta: fun(x, y, beta), “type”: “ineq”}.
- Parameters
- x (np.ndarray) – MxN input data array
- y (np.ndarray) – M output targets
- beta (np.ndarray) – placeholder
Returns: dict of constraints.
construct_jac(x: ndarray, y: ndarray)
Jacobian of cost functions.
- Parameters
- x – ndarray
- y – ndarray
Returns: callable
construct_loss(x, y, beta)
Get loss function from data and tentative coefficients beta.
- Parameters
- x (np.ndarray) – MxN input data array
- y (np.ndarray) – M output targets
- beta (np.ndarray) – N coefficients
Returns: loss value.
class maml.apps.symbolic._selectors.L0BrutalForce(lambd: float, **kwargs)
Bases: BaseSelector
Brutal force combinatorial screening of features. This method takes all possible combinations of features and optimize the following loss function
1/2 * mean((y-x @ beta)**2) + lambd *
select(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, options: dict | None = None, n_job: int = 1)
L0 combinatorial optimization.
- Parameters
- x (np.ndarray) – design matrix
- y (np.ndarray) – target vector
- options – Dict of options.
- n_job (int) – number of cpu
class maml.apps.symbolic._selectors.Lasso(lambd, **kwargs)
Bases: PenalizedLeastSquares
Simple Lasso regression.
_penalty_jac(x, y, beta)
penalty(beta: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray | None = None, y: np.ndarray | None = None)
Calculate the penalty from input x, output y and coefficient beta.
- Parameters
- beta (np.ndarray) – N coefficients
- x (np.ndarray) – MxN input data array
- y (np.ndarray) – M output targets
Returns: penalty value.
class maml.apps.symbolic._selectors.PenalizedLeastSquares(coef_thres: float = 1e-06, method: str = ‘SLSQP’)
Bases: BaseSelector
Penalized least squares. In addition to minimizing the sum of squares loss, it adds an additional penalty to the coefficients.
_penalty_jac(x, y, beta)
_sse_jac(x, y, beta)
construct_constraints(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, beta: np.ndarray | None = None)
No constraints :param x: MxN input data array :type x: np.ndarray :param y: M output targets :type y: np.ndarray :param beta: placeholder only :type beta: np.ndarray
Returns: a list of dictionary constraints.
construct_jac(x: ndarray, y: ndarray)
Construct the jacobian of loss function :param x: MxN input data array :type x: np.ndarray :param y: M output targets :type y: np.ndarray
Returns: jacobian vector.
construct_loss(x: ndarray, y: ndarray, beta: ndarray)
Construct the loss function. An extra penalty term is added :param x: MxN input data array :type x: np.ndarray :param y: M output targets :type y: np.ndarray :param beta: N coefficients :type beta: np.ndarray
Returns: sum of errors.
penalty(beta: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray | None = None, y: np.ndarray | None = None)
Calculate the penalty from input x, output y and coefficient beta :param x: MxN input data array :type x: np.ndarray :param y: M output targets :type y: np.ndarray :param beta: N coefficients :type beta: np.ndarray
Returns: penalty value.
class maml.apps.symbolic._selectors.SCAD(lambd: float | np.ndarray, a: float = 3.7, **kwargs)
Bases: PenalizedLeastSquares
Smoothly clipped absolute deviation (SCAD), equation 12 and 13 in
_penalty_jac(x, y, beta)
penalty(beta: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray | None = None, y: np.ndarray | None = None)
Calculate the SCAD penalty from input x, output y
and coefficient beta
- Parameters
- beta (np.ndarray) – N coefficients
- x (np.ndarray) – MxN input data array
- y (np.ndarray) – M output targets
Returns: penalty value.
maml.apps.symbolic._selectors_cvxpy module
This module implements more robust optimization using the cvxpy package.
class maml.apps.symbolic._selectors_cvxpy.AdaptiveLassoCP(lambd, gamma, **kwargs)
Bases: PenalizedLeastSquaresCP
Adaptive lasso regression using OLS coefficients as the root-n estimator coefficients.
get_w(x: ndarray, y: ndarray)
Get adaptive weights from data :param x: MxN input data array :type x: np.ndarray :param y: M output targets :type y: np.ndarray
Returns: coefficients array.
penalty(beta: cp.Variable, x: np.ndarray | None = None, y: np.ndarray | None = None)
Calculate the penalty from input x, output y and coefficient beta :param x: MxN input data array :type x: np.ndarray :param y: M output targets :type y: np.ndarray :param beta: N coefficients :type beta: np.ndarray
Returns: penalty value.
select(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, options: dict | None = None)
Select feature indices from x :param x: MxN input data array :type x: np.ndarray :param y: M output targets :type y: np.ndarray :param options: options in the cp.Problem.solve :type options: dict
Returns: array int indices.
class maml.apps.symbolic._selectors_cvxpy.BaseSelectorCP(coef_thres: float = 1e-06, method: str = ‘ECOS’)
Bases: BaseSelector
Base selector using cvxpy (CP).
construct_constraints(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, beta: cp.Variable | None = None)
Get constraints dictionary from data, e.g., {“func”: lambda beta: fun(x, y, beta), “type”: “ineq”}.
- Parameters
- x (np.ndarray) – MxN input data array
- y (np.ndarray) – M output targets
- beta – (np.ndarray): target variable for optimization
Returns: dict of constraints.
construct_loss(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, beta: cp.Variable)
Get loss function from data and tentative coefficients beta :param x: MxN input data array :type x: np.ndarray :param y: M output targets :type y: np.ndarray :param beta: N coefficients :type beta: np.ndarray
Returns: loss value.
select(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, options: dict | None = None)
Select feature indices from x :param x: MxN input data array :type x: np.ndarray :param y: M output targets :type y: np.ndarray :param options: kwargs for cp.Problem.solve :type options: dict
Returns: list of int indices.
class maml.apps.symbolic._selectors_cvxpy.DantzigSelectorCP(lambd, sigma=1.0, **kwargs)
Bases: BaseSelectorCP
Equation 11 in and reference in
construct_constraints(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, beta: cp.Variable | None = None)
Dantzig selector constraints :param x: MxN input data array :type x: np.ndarray :param y: M output targets :type y: np.ndarray :param beta: dimension N vector for optimization :type beta: cp.Variable
Returns: List of constraints.
construct_loss(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, beta: cp.Variable)
L1 loss :param x: MxN input data array :type x: np.ndarray :param y: M output targets :type y: np.ndarray :param beta: dimension N vector for optimization :type beta: cp.Variable
Returns: loss expression.
class maml.apps.symbolic._selectors_cvxpy.LassoCP(lambd, **kwargs)
Bases: PenalizedLeastSquaresCP
Simple Lasso regression.
penalty(beta: cp.Variable, x: np.ndarray | None = None, y: np.ndarray | None = None)
Calculate the penalty from input x, output y and coefficient beta :param x: MxN input data array :type x: np.ndarray :param y: M output targets :type y: np.ndarray :param beta: N coefficients :type beta: np.ndarray
Returns: penalty value.
class maml.apps.symbolic._selectors_cvxpy.PenalizedLeastSquaresCP(coef_thres: float = 1e-06, method: str = ‘ECOS’)
Bases: BaseSelectorCP
Penalized least squares. In addition to minimizing the sum of squares loss, it adds an additional penalty to the coefficients.
construct_loss(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, beta: cp.Variable)
L1 loss :param x: MxN input data array :type x: np.ndarray :param y: M output targets :type y: np.ndarray :param beta: dimension N vector for optimization :type beta: cp.Variable
Returns: loss expression.
penalty(beta: cp.Variable, x: np.ndarray | None = None, y: np.ndarray | None = None)
Calculate the penalty from input x, output y and coefficient beta :param x: MxN input data array :type x: np.ndarray :param y: M output targets :type y: np.ndarray :param beta: N coefficients :type beta: np.ndarray
Returns: penalty value.
maml.apps.symbolic._sis module
Sure Independence Screening.
class maml.apps.symbolic._sis.ISIS(sis: SIS | None = None, l0_regulate: bool = True)
Bases: object
Iterative SIS.
evaluate(x: ndarray, y: ndarray, metric: str = ‘neg_mean_absolute_error’)
Evaluate the linear models using x, and y test data.
- Parameters
- x (np.ndarray) – MxN input data array
- y (np.ndarray) – M output targets
- metric (str) – scorer function, used with sklearn.metrics.get_scorer
Returns: float.
run(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, max_p: int = 10, metric: str = ‘neg_mean_absolute_error’, options: dict | None = None, step: float = 0.5)
Run the ISIS :param x: input array :type x: np.ndarray :param y: target array :type y: np.ndarray :param max_p: Number of feature desired :type max_p: int :param metric: scorer function, used with
- Parameters
- options –
- step (float) – step to update gamma with.
- Returns np.array of index of selected features coeff(np.array): np.array of coeff of selected features
- Return type find_sel(np.array)
class maml.apps.symbolic._sis.SIS(gamma=0.1, selector: BaseSelector | None = None, verbose: bool = True)
Bases: object
Sure independence screening method. The method consists of two steps:
- Screen
- Select.
compute_residual(x, y)
Compute residual :param x: input array :type x: np.ndarray :param y: target array. :type y: np.ndarray
Returns: residual vector
run(x, y, select_options=None)
Run the SIS with selector :param x: MxN input data array :type x: np.ndarray :param y: M output targets :type y: np.ndarray :param select_options: options in the optimizations provided
to scipy.optimize.minimize. If the selector is using cvxpy optimization package, this option is fed into cp.Problem.solve.
Returns: selected feature indices
screen(x, y)
Simple screening method by comparing the correlation between features and the target.
- Parameters
- x (np.ndarray) – input array
- y (np.ndarray) – target array
Returns: top indices
select(x, y, options=None)
Select features using selectors :param x: input array :type x: np.ndarray :param y: target array :type y: np.ndarray :param options: options for the optimization. :type options: dict
Set gamma.
- Parameters gamma (float) – new gamma value
set_selector(selector: BaseSelector)
Set new selector :param selector: a feature selector. :type selector: BaseSelector
update_gamma(ratio: float = 0.5)
Update the sis object so that return at least one feature.
- Parameters ratio (float) – ratio to update the parameters