maml.apps.gbe package
Implementation of GB energy prediction paper Weike Ye, Hui Zheng, Chi Chen, Shyue Ping Ong “A Universal Machine Learning Model for Elemental Grain Boundary Energies” arXiv preprint arXiv: 2201.11991 (2022).
maml.apps.gbe.describer module
Module implements the describers for GB entry.
class maml.apps.gbe.describer.GBBond(gb: GrainBoundary, loc_algo: str = ‘crystalnn’, bond_mat: np.ndarray | None = None, **kwargs)
Bases: MSONable
This class describes the GB Bonding environment using provided local environment algorithm. Available algorithms: GBBond.NNDict.keys(), default CrystalNN.
NNDict(_ = {‘brunnernn_real’: <class ‘pymatgen.analysis.local_env.BrunnerNN_real’>, ‘brunnernn_reciprocal’: <class ‘pymatgen.analysis.local_env.BrunnerNN_reciprocal’>, ‘brunnernn_relative’: <class ‘pymatgen.analysis.local_env.BrunnerNN_relative’>, ‘covalentbondnn’: <class ‘pymatgen.analysis.local_env.CovalentBondNN’>, ‘critic2nn’: <class ‘pymatgen.analysis.local_env.Critic2NN’>, ‘crystalnn’: <class ‘pymatgen.analysis.local_env.CrystalNN’>, ‘cutoffdictnn’: <class ‘pymatgen.analysis.local_env.CutOffDictNN’>, ‘econnn’: <class ‘pymatgen.analysis.local_env.EconNN’>, ‘jmolnn’: <class ‘pymatgen.analysis.local_env.JmolNN’>, ‘minimumdistancenn’: <class ‘pymatgen.analysis.local_env.MinimumDistanceNN’>, ‘minimumokeeffenn’: <class ‘pymatgen.analysis.local_env.MinimumOKeeffeNN’>, ‘minimumvirenn’: <class ‘pymatgen.analysis.local_env.MinimumVIRENN’>, ‘nearneighbors’: <class ‘pymatgen.analysis.local_env.NearNeighbors’>, ‘openbabelnn’: <class ‘pymatgen.analysis.local_env.OpenBabelNN’>, ‘voronoinn’: <class ‘pymatgen.analysis.local_env.VoronoiNN’>_ )
_get_bond_mat(gb: GrainBoundary)
- Parameters gb (GrainBoundary) – the grain boundary structure object.
- Returns bond matrix matrix of bond lengths
- bm[i][j] = bond length between atom i&j if i & j is bonded (determined by the loc_algo)
- bm[i][j] = bm[j][i]
- If not bonded, the bm[i][j] = np.nan
Dict representation of the GBond class.
- Returns str, “bond_mat”: bond matrix}
- Return type dict of {“loc_algo”
property bond_matrix(: ndarra )
The (padded) bond matrix.
classmethod from_dict(d)
- Parameters d (dict) – Dict representation.
- Returns GBBond
get_breakbond_ratio(gb: GrainBoundary, b0: float, return_count: bool = False)
Get the breakbond ratio, i.e the ratio of shorter bonds vs longer bonds compared to the bulk bond length (b0) The algo to find the bonds can vary Meme: if use get_neighbors, require a hard set cutoff, which adds to
- Parameters
- gb (GrainBoundary) – a GrainBoundary object
- b0 (float) – cutoff to determine short vs. long bonds, default the bulk bond length
- return_count (bool) – whether to return count of
- Returns shorter_bond / longer_bonds if return_count: shorter_bond: # of short bonds longer_bond: # of long bonds
- Return type ratio (float)
get_mean_bl_chg(b0: float)
Function to calculate the mean bond length difference between GB and the bulk :param b0: the bond length in bulk. :type b0: float
Returns: the mean_bl_chg
property max_bl(: floa )
The maximum bond length.
property min_bl(: floa )
The minimum bond length.
class maml.apps.gbe.describer.GBDescriber(structural_features: list | None = None, elemental_features: list | None = None, **kwargs)
Bases: BaseDescriber
The describers that describes the grain boundary db entry with selected structural and elemental features.
abc_impl( = <_abc.abc_data object )
sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys( = {‘transform’_ )
generate_bulk_ref(gb_df: DataFrame, inc_target: bool = True)
Generate the bulk reference for given gb entry :param gb_df: data for gb :type gb_df: pd.DataFrame :param inc_target: whether to include target. :type inc_target: bool
- Returns data for bulk
- Return type bulk_df (pd.DataFrame)
transform_one(db_entry: dict, inc_target: bool = True, inc_bulk_ref: bool = True, mp_api: str | None = None)
Describe gb with selected structural and elemental features :param db_entry: entry from surfacedb.All_GB_properties_parallel_copy :type db_entry: dict :param inc_target: whether to include target in the df, default: False :type inc_target: bool :param inc_bulk_ref: whether to generate bulk reference
bulk reference: i.e. the entry of the origin bulk of the GB,
the rotation angle (theta) = 0, gb_energy = 0
- Parameters mp_api (str) – MP api key.
Returns: pd.DataFrame of processed data, columns are the feature labels
The task_id is included and serve as the unique id of the data
maml.apps.gbe.describer.convert_hcp_direction(rotation_axis: list, lat_type: str)
four index notion to three index notion for hcp and rhombohedral axis :param rotation_axis: four index notion of axis :type rotation_axis: list :param lat_type: the :type lat_type: str
- Returns rotation axis in three index notion.
maml.apps.gbe.describer.convert_hcp_plane(plane: list)
four index notion to three index notion for hcp and rhombohedral plane :param plane: four index notion. :type plane: list
- Returns three index notion of plane
maml.apps.gbe.describer.get_elemental_feature(db_entry: dict, loc_algo: str = ‘crystalnn’, features: list | None = None, mp_api: str | None = None)
Function to get the elemental features :param db_entry: db entry :type db_entry: Dict :param loc_algo: algorithm to determine local env.
Options: see GBBond.NNDict.keys()
- Parameters
- features (List) – list of feature names e_coh: cohesive energy G: G_vrh shear modulus a0: bulk lattice parameter a ar: atomic radius b0: the bond length of the metal bulk mean_delta_bl: the mean bond length difference
between GB and the bulk
bl: the mean bond length in GB
* **mp_api** (*str*) – api key to MP.
- Returns pd.DataFrame of elemental features
maml.apps.gbe.describer.get_structural_feature(db_entry: dict, features: list | None = None)
The structural features: d_gb: interplanal distance of the gb_plane d_rot: interplanal distance of the gb_plane
w/ smallest integer index ) normal to rotation axis
theta: rotation angle (sin and cos).
- Parameters
- db_entry (Dict) – db entry
- features (List) – list of features.
- Returns pd.DataFrame of structural features
maml.apps.gbe.presetfeatures module
Module defines feature objects for GB energy model.
class maml.apps.gbe.presetfeatures.my_quant(str_name: str, latex_name: str | None = None, latex_unit: str | None = None)
Bases: object
An object to describe GB quantities.
property latex()
Returns: latex rep of the quant.
property name()
Returns: string rep of the quant.
property unit()
Returns: latex rep of the quant unit.
maml.apps.gbe.utils module
Module implements helper functions to retrieve data for GB energy prediction paper.
Helper function to retrieve the b0 data. b0 is the bulk bond length.
- Returns b0}
- Return type returns the dict of {element
maml.apps.gbe.utils.load_data(filename: str | None = None)
Helper function to load the data Default is to load the 361 data :param filename: the filename of the data. :type filename: str
- Returns data list
maml.apps.gbe.utils.load_mean_delta_bl_dict(loc_algo: str = ‘crystalnn’)
Helper function to load the mean_delta_bl data :param loc_algo: name of the algorithm. :type loc_algo: str
- Returns mean_delta_bl(float)}
- Return type {task_id (int)
maml.apps.gbe.utils.update_b0_dict(data_source: list, mp_api: str | None)
Helper function to update the b0 dictionary Requires api key to MP :param data_source: list of GB data :type data_source: list :param mp_api: API key to MP :type mp_api: str
- Returns {el: b0}.
- Return type b0_dict (dict)